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: 1/25 13:41
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Claws-Mail uses the gnutls 2.12.24 library for SSL/TLS. It searches for cert files like this:
* If the variable "Cygnix/SSL_CERT_FILE" is set to a cert collection file, it uses this file (path must be unix style).
* If the variable is not set, it takes the file "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/gtk2.24/share/curl/curl-ca-bundle.crt" or "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/share/curl/curl-ca-bundle.crt". A file "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/share/curl/curl-ca-bundle.crt" is provided with the AmiCygnix base package V1.5.
Maybe it helps to replace the file with a newer one. But I guess, that you a need newer version of gnutls. Current version is 3.6.13. If a cert file is too old, Claws-Mail asks for a permission to use the received cert and stores it in the settings (see menu "Extras").
My port of gnutls will be updated in the next AmiCygnix release.