Ah well, just don't go yet.
I must pesker you with questions ... no, you can't run, already tied you to that marvellous uncomfortable chair
/me turning the light right into Swisso's face

Ok, here we go.
1. It's (7457 @ 1.267 Ghz - 512 Kb 2nd level cache) this version, isn't it?
2. What do you use for temperature measurement? @joerg's
CPUTemp docky?2.1. Where did you get the base temperature (TEMPOFFSET) from?
2.2. Where did you get the factor (TEMPFACTOR) from?
2.3. How do you know that it is the right temperature at all?
2.4. Is the temp measureing chip(?) useable in OS4 then?
3. Which heatsink/fan combination do you use?
4. How long did the repairing (in the plant) last for your module?
5. Do you crack for Team 200?
6. Do you want me to untie you?

Thanks for your time