Software rendered Quake!
and the OS4 version of Shogo MAD!
I would really like see the performance of the FPU "trampoline" code with a 3D game, should it be working/demonstrable.
but that is a bit tricky as most 3D games (such as the Shogo) use either classic Warp3D or MiniGL
which the Polaris cards don't support without Wazp3D, which I think isn't finished yet.
So the most appropriate 3D games to show off the FPU trampoline system would be
Spencer and
AmicraftNova, maybe some of Kas1e's games like
FPU 3D games is of course if far from the ideal usecase of the A1222 but I'm just curious
A-EON did used to show
SuperTuxKart as a example of a 3D game to run on A1222 in their press releases
, though they're not available anymore.
Super curious as to how
sysspeed would perform on it, but synthetic benchmarks aren't the most exciting to show at a event.
SMTube would be actually useful to demonstrate, wonder if it could be setup to use Emotion for hardware video decoding.
I second that! but I think that Heretic 2 a WarpOS only game?
Which could still be demonstrated but needs to rely on some third party libs.
If WarpOS games are OK then I'll love to see Payback too!
Edited by Helloworld on 2021/10/4 20:26:36