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: 11/12 20:09
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I have a new vinyl record turntable with USB output and am trying the slow process of digitizing a lot of recordings. I've worked out the recording process in Windows using Audacity, and used windows media player to create an M3u playlist to use the recordings in AmigaAMP.
The following m3u for Steppenwolf came from an ADripper project done on the Amiga a long time ago, and works fine in AmigaAMP.
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:557,Steppenwolf - Monster_Suicide_America Steppenwolf - Monster_Suicide_America.mp3 #EXTINF:202,Steppenwolf - Draft Resister Steppenwolf - Draft Resister.mp3 #EXTINF:326,Steppenwolf - Power Play Steppenwolf - Power Play.mp3 #EXTINF:173,Steppenwolf - Move Over Steppenwolf - Move Over.mp3 #EXTINF:193,Steppenwolf - Fag Steppenwolf - Fag.mp3 #EXTINF:203,Steppenwolf - What Would You Do Steppenwolf - What Would You Do.mp3 #EXTINF:328,Steppenwolf - From Here to There Eventually Steppenwolf - From Here to There Eventually.mp3
The next M3U was originally created last night in Windows Media Player, and had a hard-coded path listing for each song, as it appeared on the hard drive of the Windows computer. I modified the following M3U to take out the file path references and to look more like the Steppenwolf M3U which works in AmigaAMP.
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:0,Can't Find My Way Home Blind Faith - Can't Find My Way Home.mp3 #EXTINF:0,Do What You Like Blind Faith - Do What You Like.mp3 #EXTINF:0,Had to Cry Today Blind Faith - Had to Cry Today.mp3 #EXTINF:0,Presence of the Lord Blind Faith - Presence of the Lord.mp3 #EXTINF:0,Sea of Joy Blind Faith - Sea of Joy.mp3 #EXTINF:0,Well All Right Blind Faith - Well All Right.mp3
The Blind Faith lists the titles for me in AmigaAMP, but says it can't play the MP3 files. The only difference I can see between the two lisings is the "random" numbers for each file in the Steppenwolf listing, versus the "0" appearing in each Blind Faith listing.
So what do I need to change in the Blind Faith M3U? What do those seemingly random numbers in the Steppenwolf listing stand for? I want to be able to put this music onto USB drives for use in the car, as well as transferring them to my Amiga.
@ Daniel: (Trixie) I'm completely new to audio software, and from what I can tell, Rave isn't yet ready to do such copying from vinyl to digital. Is this going to be doable in Rave eventually?