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Joined: 2023/4/28 8:36 Last Login
: 3/1 11:59
From DE
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I have bought from a second hand an X5000. It belonged before to the seller's grandfather. Unfortunately the seller has no idea about the hardware and the grandpa passed away. He was only cleaning his office and putted his whole IT stuff to the local advertisement portal. When I asked about licences/medias/CD which should be delivered with the X5000 he had no idea. He has only ordered the X5000 on AmigaKit for his granpa. And the only proof I have got from him is a printed confirmation email from AmigaKit (which includes, Name, Date, Ordernumber, Address, etc.). I tried already to contact with Hyperion in this case - no answer. I tried to contact with AmigaKit to get a backup of UBOOT - no answer. There is no possibility to buy OS4.1 for X5000 anywhere. And when I see an unboxing videos on youtube - the package should include OS and Enhancer Software. What should I do? How to get the Licence and the Install media? The seller has no idea and I guess the office is already cleaned and the Medias are in the trash.
The second story is with SamEP440 which I bought from him as well. But there is OS4.1 already installed and in addition I already bought an extra CD with 4.1 for EP440. But If I would like to retrieve somehow a licence which is installed now on this machine, is it possible?
Thanks in advance for some hints.