ADF (Amiga Disk File) is a file format used by Amiga emulators to store images of floppy disks. You can't open it with unarc but you have to use such files with an emulator... try installing RunInUAE first
How can I upload an image and it NOT be a URL? I don't use dropbox or any of those services. I see no way to add a image so you all can see the Grim Reaper error I get when trying to install RunInUAE. TJ
Guru Meditation 80000003 Task 0x5cbf54f0 ("Dir") generated an error of type DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) on address 0x7fced344 Redzone was not damaged Stackpointer is inside bounds (guard area hit)
Funny thing is I do find a directory where I tell it to go but not much anything inside it all all. A empty Workbench folder.
Dont know if it will solve your grim reaper problem but i have it installed on several os4 systems.
But maybe you have the enhancer version of the dir command installed, try with the original dir command, it would not be the first time enhancer replacement components is acting up.
Replace the Enhancer dir command in c directory with the original OS version. You could rename the Enhancer version to keep it available if you need to for some reason.
mbrantley wrote:Replace the Enhancer dir command in c directory with the original OS version. You could rename the Enhancer version to keep it available if you need to for some reason.
I'm not a big fan of enhancer software either, I have it fully installed myself and it works well with a few exceptions.
The command "Dir 54.7" is in SYS:C/ and I have no problems with RunInUAE and ADF files. Demo like "Batman Rise" or "tbl_eon_party" as ADF versions could be executed without any problems.
But it could well be that there are problems with exactly this game ADF.
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
It should not matter whether Enhancer Software 2.2 was installed before or after.
My system was pre-installed including RunInUAE, since I became aware of this thread I have updated to the latest beta version r8 of RunInUAE.
I have no problems with either the old or the latest version of RunInUAE.
What I suspect is that you don't have a complete installation of RunInUAE which leads to problems. You could proceed like this:
Delete or create a backup of your emulation folder which is located in SYS: then insert your AmigaOs4.1Install.iso or CD and reinstall RunInUAE completely via Extras. That might help...
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
My X5K has no CD and although I do have a USB Stick that Amiga On The Lake provided back in 2016, it won't boot my X5K any more since I have a Radeon 580X and w/o a bootable USB stick, I may have to wait.
I do have an external USB CD unit that may work but been ages and it was finicky on opening in Amiga OS, I suspect USB port issues as X5K USB ports seem wonky from 2016.
I wonder if I can boot as I do now from HDD and instead launch the USB stick Amiga OS Installer from workbench and ONLY allow install of RunInUAE as I don't want to bork my Amiga OS at all. haha..
I do see my USB stick does show on the workbench but afraid launching it will try to install all of Amiga OS again.
If you have a bootable USB stick and Enhancer Spoftware 2.2, it is easy to modify this stick so that it also boots with your RX graphics card and an image of the Workbench appears.
If you like, I can guide you through the necessary steps to boot your USB stick with RX graphics card. It is not difficult and everything can be undone.
Apart from that it's a shame that they don't even have AmigaOneX5000InstallCD-53.25.iso available as a pre-release.
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
The stick is quite old, probably og version of Amiga OS 4.1 that came in 2016. haha. My Enhancer 2.2 I did download from AmigaKit as well as have a CD too of that.
I guess step one is to see if my old Amiga OS 4.1 stick does boot with proper radeon driver.
I am guess I need to look at the files on the USB stick and place the correct Polaris drive in the right place and then see if the old Amiga OS 4.1 boots my computer 1st. haha.
So yes, if you have guidance there I can always try that.
from your AmigaOs4.1 installation "Sys:Kickstart/" take the "RadeonRX.Chip" and copy it to your USB stick in the same directory Kickstart. Next you have to edit "Kicklayout" it is also located in the Kickstart directory of your USB stick, add the following entry "MODULE Kickstart/RadeonRX.chip", preferably in the column where "MODULE Kickstart/PCIGraphics.card" is located, save and you are done. Next you could try booting the USB stick. I'm not sure if this will work, you might need more dependencies like newer kernel, PCIGraphics, graphic.library. But it's a try......
Otherwise there is also a guide here in the forum that describes how to create a bootable USB stick from a running AmigaOs4.1 installation.
It is quite possible that older versions of Enhancer Software are causing "DIR" problems - the update to 54.7 only came out last year and you must have missed it
Nevertheless, you should make sure that you have an emergency backup USB stick of AMigaOs4.1 in case your system fails completely. You never know...
I'm glad it's working for you now. RogeCraft really seems to be a great game and I'm a bit jealous that it's not native for AmigaOs4.1.
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
I have not used my X5K much in the last year, only every now and then, so did not keep up to date on stuff.
I am feeling more into my X5K at the moment so been playing with it more as of late.
I do plan on making a new bootable USB stick though. I have a print-out on how to make one from a while back but been lazy and also dabble in so many 8bit systems for my YouTube Channel, I often can't get it all done. haha.