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MAME 0.106 doesn't open GUI
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Hello Amiga freaks

Well to be honest don't know why after "stablashing" my AmigaOS 4.1 (now it boots ever without issues) I cannot run xMAME 0.106 GUI even asigning to it to the xMAME 0.106 route on Workbench.

Also I have 4 or 5 different versions of MAME that sometimes runs and don't know if they are making the competence or in reality I think something happens.

I have 3 user-startup files in S: One for xMAME 0.106,other for a version of MAME that I downloaded (not the version with the exe) 1084 roms without any pc emulator of this awesome piece of ar that is MAME.And of course the one that I am using now.

Please someone help me,I am really suffering now the absence of this awesome emulator.For me MAME is all.

Also Steffen if you are near,please mke for us the Amigan users a new version of MAME.

Amiga 500 1MB Chip RAM with ACA 500+ACA1232,CD32,Amiga 1300 030/50 Mhz,32MB (now on my hands at least)and Amiga One G3 XE PPC 800 Mhz,ATI Radeon 9250 128 MB,256 MB RAM,Seagate 200 GB HD,2 working DVD drives,X-Arcade double for MAME,Sil0680,4 USB ports,LG
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Re: MAME 0.106 doesn't open GUI
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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UPDATE: Problem partially solved: I have three modern MAME'S dirs.

One MAME +1084 games (doesn't open/work

Two Mini-MAME ( either doesn't open)

And Three MAME 0.106 it works as expected

Do you know how to assign (as in reality already did) These 3 MAMEs and later can use em independently and working order?

And why my GAMEPAD 3 TURBO doesn't work on MAME after being configured with the GREAT AmigaInputAnywhere?

MAME rules!!!!!

Tjhanks for your zero support haha

Amiga 500 1MB Chip RAM with ACA 500+ACA1232,CD32,Amiga 1300 030/50 Mhz,32MB (now on my hands at least)and Amiga One G3 XE PPC 800 Mhz,ATI Radeon 9250 128 MB,256 MB RAM,Seagate 200 GB HD,2 working DVD drives,X-Arcade double for MAME,Sil0680,4 USB ports,LG
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Re: MAME 0.106 doesn't open GUI
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Maybe because you have not calibrated it in Amiga Input, or maybe you have too many things connected to USB, a power USB hub can help… in any case pretty sure I answered this a few months ago.


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