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Joined: 2010/5/22 12:35 Last Login
: Yesterday 19:25
From Mobile, Alabama, USA
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I’ve run into a snag with the audio configuration on my new AmigaOne X5000/40. I am using a ESI Juli@ PCI sound card that I purchased from eBay.
I was not able to hear anything at all for a time and figured I had bought a bad or incompatible card, but at last I am making some noise with it! In the AHI prefs, when I select ENVY24HT:HiFI 32 bit Stereo ++, I can play the test sound just fine. Frequency is set to 48000 Hz.
But when I run AmigaAmp it reports not being able to open ahi.device and advises me to check that the version is current and that AHI devices are correct. Also get similar messages from Emotion and Mplayer.
However, TuneNet works fine. That one from within the program is set to AHI User Mode, and it sounds great.
What am I doing wrong?