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Getting X5000/40
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Well I done did it. I bit the really big bullet and ordered a Cyrus X5000/040 motherboard. It should arrive tomorrow March 10.
I already did my shopping: 1 terabyte sata SSD drive, 750 watt semi-modular gold certified PSU, 4 gig 1600 Mhz DDR3 memory, RX 580 graphics card, Inland X1 case, and I cannibalized the SB Audigy FX from my SAM460LE for audio.

I do have one or two questions. My understanding is I shouldn't perform the 1st update, but do I do the 2nd?
Also, I heard talk of an NGFS, is that available for the X5000, or is that just for the A1222+? Any other tips or advice? Thank you in advance.

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Re: Getting X5000/40
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Hi kishigo,

Do you already have the installation CD for your X5000?

Here is a link to create a bootable key:

https://g--a--p-me.translate.goog/insi ... x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp

Here to get the latest version of amiupdate:


Regarding update 1 I have a doubt, because I was told that it was integrated into the ISO of the installation CD.

However, when you have updated Amiupdate, it should offer you the update of update 2 and update 2 hotfix is ​​integrated into this update.

To have the latest version of NGFS it's not easy. I use SFS/2 from update 2 and it works very well.

And I don't know if you saw but I just did a clean install of AOS 4.1 and it's really a sport!


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Re: Getting X5000/40
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Hi skynet!

Yes I have an installation CD (or rather the ISO) that I wrote to a USB stick following some instructions I found here on Amigans. GGS Data also sent me an image of a rescue drive that I Balena etched onto another USB stick.
I should be pretty well covered.

Thank you for the tips regarding AMIUpdate. I actually forgot about that.

And I'm pretty familiar with SFS, it's what I use on my SAM460LE.

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Re: Getting X5000/40
Just popping in
Just popping in

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So for update 1, yes you have to do it, I just noticed that some files are updated, like python, some classes, etc.

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