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Joined: 2024/3/25 17:07 Last Login
: Yesterday 1:38
From California, United States
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Well I done did it. I bit the really big bullet and ordered a Cyrus X5000/040 motherboard. It should arrive tomorrow March 10. I already did my shopping: 1 terabyte sata SSD drive, 750 watt semi-modular gold certified PSU, 4 gig 1600 Mhz DDR3 memory, RX 580 graphics card, Inland X1 case, and I cannibalized the SB Audigy FX from my SAM460LE for audio.
I do have one or two questions. My understanding is I shouldn't perform the 1st update, but do I do the 2nd? Also, I heard talk of an NGFS, is that available for the X5000, or is that just for the A1222+? Any other tips or advice? Thank you in advance.