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Software News : New bounty: 32Bit icon editor
Posted by Troels on 2010/1/23 11:30:29 (2413 reads) News by the same author
Software News

This is a bounty for completing the OpenAmiga 32Bit icon editor project.

Implement a new 32Bit (24Bit+8bit alpha) capable icon editor that has the same overall functionality as the OS4.1 built in icon editor but with 32Bit capability.

Load any type of icon images using icon library.
Always storing icons as 32bit OS4 icons.
Editing both normal and selected image
- view for editing the alpha map as a greyscale 8 bit image in the gui
- 32 bit view where you can both paint using different tools as well as decrease/increase transparency for individual pixels.
- 24Bit view for editing the 24bit color map without the alpha map showing
- Apply selected image effects like: Darken, Transparency, Color tinting
- Loading images using datatypes to use as the icon images
- The source and any related resources must be uploaded to the OpenAmiga SVN using the OpenAmiga guidelines.

Amigabounty.net: 32Bit icon editor bounty

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/1/23 15:59  Updated: 2010/1/23 15:59
 Re: New bounty: 32Bit icon editor
I'm interested if the bounty assumes using ReAction GUI for the project (there is nothing in bounty rules as far as I can see). MUI will do as well?
Published: 2010/1/23 18:14  Updated: 2010/1/23 18:21
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/30/2006
Comments: 449
 Re: New bounty: 32Bit icon editor
As ReAction is the GUI on AmigaOS4 and MUI is only a 3rd party component our bounties are (for now) ReAction only.

Updated bounty description
Published: 2010/1/23 18:18  Updated: 2010/1/23 18:18
 Re: New bounty: 32Bit icon editor
Yes, I've got similar reply in the forum thread. I'd say "pass" then.
Published: 2010/1/23 18:25  Updated: 2010/1/23 18:25
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/30/2006
Comments: 449
 Re: New bounty: 32Bit icon editor
Fair enough:)
Published: 2010/1/23 19:17  Updated: 2010/1/23 19:17
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Gloucestershire, UK.
Comments: 1172
 Re: New bounty: 32Bit icon editor
A couple of ideas to add that the original iconedit doesn't have.

Brush support with basic horizontal, vertical and 90? rotate.

Multiple undo/redo

Gradient support

Text support

datatype Import & jpg, png & gif export so it could also be used as a basic editor for web/game gfx.
Published: 2010/1/23 19:43  Updated: 2010/1/23 19:43
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9122
 Re: New bounty: 32Bit icon editor
And that will be the clasic paint programm which can be called "apaint" and come by default with os4 (like mspaint with win32) :)
Published: 2010/1/23 20:13  Updated: 2010/1/23 20:13
Supreme Council
Joined: 11/16/2006
From: Sweden
Comments: 3303
 Re: New bounty: 32Bit icon editor

Just remember that it's not meant as a replacement for a paint program, but rather to simply create an icon editor replacement for the current non 32Bit capable editor in os4.

If the user want more advanced features he's better off buying/downloading a complete paint program anyway.

The developer(s) is of course free to do anything he wants, but this project is simply about creating something simple that hyperion can ship with the OS. Ie, enough for a user to tinker around with without having to buy some paint package just to change one of his/her os4 icons. It's not meant as a complete dpaint/gimp/photoshop/photogenics replacement.
Published: 2010/1/23 21:53  Updated: 2010/1/23 21:53
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Gloucestershire, UK.
Comments: 1172
 Re: New bounty: 32Bit icon editor

Agreed it's a bitmap editor not a paint program but I would call the first two (brushes and multiple undo) very basic tools of any graphic editor and the last two as just being very useful for creating icons.

That's one reason I didn't suggest things like auto shadow creation with controlled light source
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