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Software News : UFRaw 0.17 for AmiCygnix released / status "The Gimp"
Posted by cygnusEd on 2010/8/27 22:40:21 (2089 reads) News by the same author
Software News

With UFRaw you can edit and convert RAW images. The program is based on Dave
Coffin's "DCRaw" and supports various formats.

UFRaw can be used standalone and as a plug-in for the image editor "The Gimp".
The installer script detects an already installed Gimp package and the plug-in
can be installed automatically.

UFRAw can read Exif data and supports color management using "Little CMS"

Supported formats

* Unidentified Flying Raw (*.ufraw)
* Adobe Digital Negative (*.dng)
* Canon RaW (*.crw, *.cr2)
* Fuji raw image (*.raf)
* Kodak raw image (*.dcr, *.k25, *.kdc)
* Minolta raw image (*.mrw)
* Nikon raw image (*.nef)
* Olympus raw image (*.orf)
* Panasonic raw image (*.raw)
* Pentax raw image (*.pef)
* Sigma raw image (*.x3f)
* Sony Raw Format (*.srf, *.sr2)
* Alpha Raw format (*.arw)

Downloads: ufraw.lha

Homepages: http://ufraw.sourceforge.net

Resized Image

The Gimp

The uploads regarding "The Gimp" are finished now. All working plug-ins are

Unfortunately following standard plug-ins are not working yet:

* script-fu
* print
* help + helpbrowser (Gimp help system)
* poppler (PDF documents)
* pygimp (Python scripts)
* imagemap
* spheredesigner
* fractaltrace

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/8/28 18:55  Updated: 2010/8/28 18:55
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/29/2006
Comments: 474
 Re: UFRaw 0.17 for AmiCygnix released / status "The ...

Thanks for all your hard work getting Gimp to function so well! This is a very powerful and useful piece of software.

(I will probably never use many of the plugins that you released; but its nice to have them there in case I want to.)
Published: 2010/8/28 22:19  Updated: 2010/8/28 22:19
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/09/2006
From: Lyon, France
Comments: 1372
 Re: UFRaw 0.17 for AmiCygnix released / status "The ...
Hum, UFRAw could be done in datatypes. Just a thought
Published: 2010/8/29 10:39  Updated: 2010/8/29 10:39
Just can't stay away
Joined: 02/23/2007
From: Finland, the land of Santa, sauna, sisu and salmiakki
Comments: 1210
 Re: UFRaw 0.17 for AmiCygnix released / status "The ...
Maybe you could make the datatype !?
Published: 2010/8/31 2:51  Updated: 2010/8/31 2:51
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3206
 Re: UFRaw 0.17 for AmiCygnix released / status "The ...
thanks again Edgar! Gimp works great
Published: 2010/9/1 15:33  Updated: 2010/9/1 15:33
Quite a regular
Joined: 12/24/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 566
 Re: UFRaw 0.17 for AmiCygnix released / status "The ...

Yes, especially the filter plug-ins are more or less "nice to have". But I recommend to install the color plug-ins. Good for enhancing bad photos.

@ Elwood, TSK

You only need the sources of DCRaw (http://www.cybercom.net/~dcoffin/dcraw) for a datatype

@ 328gts

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