Daniel Jedlicka has released an updated version of the electronic dictionary and thesaurus WordNet. Based on the original WordNet by the Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University, this greatly enhanced AmigaOS4 version adds a comfortable ReAction-based interface and numerous other features. It is available from os4depot.net.
New in this release:
- The toolbar has no bevel box drawn around it (looks better). - New option in Settings: the program window can be made to always stay visible, on top of other windows. - New option in Settings: quitting the program on pressing the Escape key is now configurable (and off by default). - New option in Settings: word frequency counts can be switched off (default), which results in slightly faster searches and a cleaner display of results. - Bugfix: if an APPLIBMT_ToFront command arrived from application.library and WordNet was iconified, the program would produce a DSI error. - Bugfix: when started from CLI and too deep in the directory structure, the program would fail to lock its icon. - An internal stack cookie of 80KB now ensures optimum program performance. - Compiled against the latest AmigaOS4 SDK. - Compiled with GCC's "-Wall" switch and got rid of all compiler warnings. - Internal code cleanup.