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Software News : Blender For Amiga OS4 Updated
Posted by broadblues on 2011/6/20 13:25:21 (3275 reads) News by the same author
Software News

I'm pleased to announce a new update to my port of Blender for Amiga OS4

The new update address a couple of bugs, and deals with some issues experienced when working in low memory conditions. Blender is now usable on Classic Amiga running OS4!

Download from os4depot now (Release in still in upload queue at time of posting this news item.)

Also I have added some advice for Classic users to the blender for amiga OS 4 page

Changes since the last update:

FURTHER CHANGES: (June 2011 Update)

o blender no longer scan the contents of $PATH when trying to identify the
path to the executable. This would cause annoying insert volume requesters
if blender was executed like appdir:bldyn or even just foo:bldyn
o A further fix to crashes in low resources situations. If the blender render
window cannot open then blender would crash, as it did no checks for a successful
open. It now continues to render silently without a render display window.
o rendering the "stamp" could cause a crash due a unitialised interface
o Added a Amiga style version string. Version 248.3 To indicate
blender version 2.48 amiga revision 3

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Author Thread
Published: 2011/6/20 13:39  Updated: 2011/6/20 13:39
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/09/2006
From: Lyon, France
Comments: 1372
 Re: Blender For Amiga OS4 Updated
Cool! I didn't see this one coming I'm not in 3D but I'll try it anyway.
Thanks Andy.
Published: 2011/6/20 14:15  Updated: 2011/6/20 14:15
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3206
 Re: Blender For Amiga OS4 Updated
WoW !!! works for the classic users too...excellent job
Published: 2011/6/20 15:42  Updated: 2011/6/20 15:42
Just popping in
Joined: 01/08/2007
Comments: 158
 Re: Blender For Amiga OS4 Updated
Thanks for making the fixes for Classic users...much appreciated :)
Published: 2011/6/20 17:35  Updated: 2011/6/20 17:35
Quite a regular
Joined: 02/27/2007
From: Gravity well
Comments: 739
 Re: Blender For Amiga OS4 Updated
Gosh. Sweet!
Published: 2011/6/21 14:56  Updated: 2011/6/21 14:56
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 10/06/2009
From: Italy
Comments: 312
 Re: Blender For Amiga OS4 Updated
Blender on a (powered) A1200? How cool is that? :)
Published: 2011/6/21 21:02  Updated: 2011/6/21 21:02
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: Blender For Amiga OS4 Updated
Thanks for the update :) I hope to start learning in future when i have x1000 and hopefully more time. But sure ill try and see how this works on my A1 :)

How is it with 2.50... will you port it in future ? Just curious as i heard its gui is much better.
Published: 2011/6/21 22:45  Updated: 2011/6/21 22:45
Home away from home
Joined: 11/30/2006
From: Norway
Comments: 2638
 Re: Blender For Amiga OS4 Updated
Good work.
Published: 2011/6/22 19:35  Updated: 2011/6/22 19:35
Home away from home
Joined: 12/04/2006
Comments: 2379
 Re: Blender For Amiga OS4 Updated

2.5 Gui is diferent, better might be a matter of opinion, it shares a lot in common though. I wont be porting it soon. I lack the time for the moment, and don't have a personal need for it yet. 2.48 still does all I need. It has some heavy dependencies to be met too, python 3.x being one of them.

Give 2.48 a go. Once you get into to it, it's no harder than any other 3D modeler, I find it quite natural now.
Published: 2011/6/23 20:24  Updated: 2011/6/23 20:24
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: Blender For Amiga OS4 Updated
Never used any 3d package but have always been curious. Tried it and looks nice. Ill give it more try when i have x1000 hopefully :)
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