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Software News : OOo, call to developers
Posted by Elwood on 2011/9/15 23:41:53 (3256 reads) News by the same author
Software News

Hello Developers,

You already heard about the OpenOffice4Kids / OpenOfficeLight port to AmigaOS 4.1. Here are some information about the situation and about the next steps.

Resized Image

OOoLight is a complete office suite (wordprocessor, database, spreadsheet...). It is not based on Java which is not used at all so the product is extremely fast on many platforms.
It is a great opportunity to have such office suite on our platform. Not only because it's fast, not only because we want such tool but also because we are in touch with one of the main leaders of the project.

Eric Bachard who did a huge job on these two OOo variants has a strong knowledge of the source code and he already did some ports in the past. As he is still doing a lot of work to push this project forward, he doesn't have time to work on an AmigaOS port.

This is where you developers can help.

The first step was to make the project compilable commenting out several code parts. This was started by Eric and Corto with the help of Andy Broad. The current source code is on the SVN.
The compile chain uses some tools that we don't have yet on AmigaOS (dmake...) so there is still work to do to complete this part.

Then when it compiles, it will be time to remove the comments and do the hard stuff: make OOlight native.

So Amiga developers if you have some time, contribute! No need to have several hours of free time. The most important is to contribute regularly. It's a big project but we are many.

Get the source code (below) and contact Eric for any question. You can see him on IRC only, channel #educooo, irc.freenode.net. His nickname is "ericb2". But don't forget he is a very busy man so try yourself before you ask

OOo4kids and OOoLight are based on the same source code. You can compile one version or another by defining a variable
at compilation time.

OOoLight web page: http://wiki.ooolight.org/index.php/Main_Page

Download source code:

Wiki for the AmigaOS port:

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Author Thread
Published: 2011/9/16 7:10  Updated: 2011/9/16 7:10
Home away from home
Joined: 11/30/2006
From: Norway
Comments: 2637
 Re: OOo, call to developers
Not the update i was hoping for, let's hope someone can help on this project.
Published: 2011/9/16 12:42  Updated: 2011/9/16 12:42
Quite a regular
Joined: 05/16/2010
From: Grimsby, UK
Comments: 950
 Re: OOo, call to developers
Big ditto.
Published: 2012/1/9 17:33  Updated: 2012/1/9 17:33
Just popping in
Joined: 12/05/2006
From: Planet Boing
Comments: 68
 Re: OOo, call to developers
he doesn't have time to work on an AmigaOS port.

So why the heck did he say yes ??? - didn't anybody tell him how important this was for the entire amiga community? - this smells a bit amateurish to me. What about hardware...didn't he get AOS hardware too?

It's sad that such important things gets in the hands of the wrong people. This should have been avoided from the beginning.

Wish I was a good developer then I would surely work my bottom off to make this happen. But unfortunately I don't know anything about programming and development, and can't devote time to it, because of a change in my career which requires me to study alot for a long time.

But if I could I would do it for the AmigaOS platform...no doubt about it!
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