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Software News : VideoClipper v1.0 released on OS4Depot - Cut and join video files
Posted by ktadd on 2013/1/15 10:53:50 (2216 reads) News by the same author
Software News

VideoClipper is a program for cutting and optionally joining various format video files while converting the files to a common format During converson several adjustments (Video Effects) can be made to the individual files. These effects include adjusting brightness, contrast, gamma. Additional effects include applying sharpness or blurring along with adjusting the speed (fast/slow motion) and rotation.

VideoClipper uses mencoder to cut/join, convert and apply effects to the video files. In addition it uses mplayer or MUIMplayer to preview cuts and changes as well as view the results. These programs can be found at www.OS4Depot.net and must be installed for VideoClipper to work.

This program is provided without warranty and the author cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use of this program.

VideoClipper and VideoClipper.guide are COPYRIGHT(c) 2013 by Kevin Taddeucci

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/1/15 13:59  Updated: 2013/1/15 13:59
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3798
 Re: VideoClipper v1.0 released on OS4Depot - Cut and join...
Very usefull, thanks
Published: 2013/1/15 15:15  Updated: 2013/1/15 15:15
Quite a regular
Joined: 10/29/2008
From: Uppsala, Sweden
Comments: 826
 Re: VideoClipper v1.0 released on OS4Depot - Cut and join...
Very good indeed. Thanks!
Published: 2013/1/15 18:15  Updated: 2013/1/15 18:18
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: VideoClipper v1.0 released on OS4Depot - Cut and join...
Nice to see you released a new version. VideoClipper is used for making the hd-rec review video of mine.

Published: 2013/1/15 21:49  Updated: 2013/1/15 21:49
Home away from home
Joined: 11/30/2006
From: Norway
Comments: 2638
 Re: VideoClipper v1.0 released on OS4Depot - Cut and join...
Can you add sound and subtitles aswell??
Published: 2013/1/15 22:43  Updated: 2013/1/15 22:43
Quite a regular
Joined: 12/06/2006
From: California, Unitied States
Comments: 691
 Re: VideoClipper v1.0 released on OS4Depot - Cut and join...

VideoClipper doesn't support adding sound and titles directly but if you know mencoder well you might be able to use the mencoder options field to do it. Very painful though.

You can however use my other two programs to add your own sound track and subtitles.

Use ffmpeggui to add your own sound to videos.

Use SimpleSub to add titles.

All are AmgiaOS4 programs that can be found on OS4Depot.
Published: 2013/1/17 10:30  Updated: 2013/1/17 10:30
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/09/2006
From: Lyon, France
Comments: 1372
 Re: VideoClipper v1.0 released on OS4Depot - Cut and join...
Wow, I have to try this one.
Many thanks to give us the ability to use OS4 to edit video files.
Published: 2013/1/17 22:18  Updated: 2013/1/17 22:18
Home away from home
Joined: 11/30/2006
From: Norway
Comments: 2638
 Re: VideoClipper v1.0 released on OS4Depot - Cut and join...

Why not add those programs into this one? Would be nice to have all those in 1 program instead of using 3 programs that could have been done with one.
Published: 2013/1/18 16:53  Updated: 2013/1/18 16:53
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9122
 Re: VideoClipper v1.0 released on OS4Depot - Cut and join...
Tested with muimplayer + mencoder from os4depot:


-native gui
-very small binary
-very fast loading
-proffesional look (everything sorted fine, nice icons, guides and all the stuff).


- when you run any Help item from RMB menu, i can't use main programm (busy pointer). I.e. running of help guides done not asynchronic, while it will be nice if (pretty helpfull to read help, and to try what you read at the same time).

- i read a lot of those guides , i tryed all possible "intuitive" stuff to just cut some part from my video. Thats what i do:
: add
: set on "end time" 5 (so, start time are 0, and so i want to delete first 5 seconds).
: press "cut" in the main tab - it run mencoder, do stuff, but button "Play output" still ghosted.

Then i repeat the steps, and tryed to use "Cut Only" button: again menoder starts, do stuff, but "Plat Output" still ghosted.

And all the auto-saved files all the time the same size as original, without cutting.

So, question is:

How just i can load a video file, cut a part from it, and save ?

And suggestion:

Maybe it will be more user-friendly to just make in RMB menu something like OpenFile / SaveFile + rename Add on the "open file" ?

In virtualdub cuttin done just like this: user load a file via "open file", then just choice start time, end time, and press "delete", so that areas just cuts. Then he choice "save" and save edited video. Imho pretty handy.
Published: 2013/1/18 19:30  Updated: 2013/1/18 19:30
Quite a regular
Joined: 12/06/2006
From: California, Unitied States
Comments: 691
 Re: VideoClipper v1.0 released on OS4Depot - Cut and join...

I started a thread >> HERE << to answer yours and others questions and take inputs/bug reports.

I hope you don't mind.
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