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Software News : FastView 1.4 updated with Resize, Crop and Convert options
Posted by zzd10h on 2013/6/22 1:53:02 (1453 reads) News by the same author
Software News

FastView, my MUI images viewer, is updated on OS4Depot (and AmiUpdate) with new features like Crop, Resize and Convert options and others changes.

Resized Image

If you use and find my small programs useful (SysMon, FastView, FastCompress, NetDock or AttachMail) feel free to paypal me one little coin to guillaume à boesel.fr

FastView on OS4Depot

Resized Image

Thank you for your feedbacks if you use it.
Guillaume 'zzd10h' Boesel

Details below :

FastView v1.4

* Added option to resize pictures (in Options tab)
- Enter new width OR new height and hit enter to calculate new size ratio.
Except if Scale is not checked.
- Then click Resize button to resize picture
- ILBM is not supported as input.
- Picture is automatically saved in the same format with ".SCALE" appended to
the file name.
- *.INFO file is automatically created only if input file has an .INFO file.

* Added option to convert pictures (in Options tab)
- Pictures can be converted to BMP JPG and PNG format.
- ILBM is not supported as input.
- *.INFO file is automatically created only if input file has an .INFO file.

* Added option to crop pictures in (Options tab)
- Keep the mouse button pressed until you obtain the crop area that you wish.
- Picture is automatically saved in the same format with ".CROP" appended to
the file name.
- ILBM is not supported as input.
- *.INFO file is automatically created only if input file has an .INFO file.

Many thanks to Alexandre 'abalaban' Balaban for his port of LibDevIL and to
Alain Thellier for his crop sample.

* Added menu options to remove an entry or to completely erase the list

Thanks to Jesus 'YesCop" Fernandez for the suggestion.

* Added SWAP_DEL Tooltype and an option checkbox to make Delete key delete
pictures instead of just removing them from the list.
- SWAP_DEL = OFF, default, Delete key will remove files from the list. 'd' key
(in english) to delete them
- SWAP_DEL = ON, Delete and 'd' keys delete pictures. Backspace key will remove
them from list.

Suggestion from Krister 'Kicko' Skrtic

* Added possibility to copy / paste support in menu options

* Added possibility to copy contents of picture information into Clipboard by
double-clicking on texts areas or by Copy menu option

* Use of BetterString MUI class instead of standard strings class to allow to
select text by double-clicking.
MUI BetterString class is now mandatory (checked at startup).

Suggestion from Samir 'Samo79' Hawamdeh

* Fixed a freeze when resizing window to minimal size. Now picture window is
closed in order to avoid any freeze if inferior to 100 x 100 pixels.
Bug known by OS maintainers.

* Fixed a bug when deleting multiples files

* Fixed a bug with very long file names

* Fixed a bug with endless search

Report from Samir 'Samo79' Hawamdeh

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/6/22 9:34  Updated: 2013/6/22 9:34
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: FastView 1.4 updated with Resize, Crop and Convert op...
Thanks for the update. It got even better :)
Published: 2013/6/22 21:20  Updated: 2013/6/22 21:20
Just popping in
Joined: 07/14/2009
From: Utah, USA
Comments: 239
 Re: FastView 1.4 updated with Resize, Crop and Convert op...
I'm trying FastView for the first time. It's using 8 point fonts and I can't read any of the text. I used the "MUI" option in the program to change the font size, but it never saves.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Published: 2013/6/22 22:31  Updated: 2013/6/22 22:31
Just can't stay away
Joined: 08/14/2012
From: France
Comments: 1496
 Re: FastView 1.4 updated with Resize, Crop and Convert op...
Strange, I don't use particular fonts or font size in my programs.

By curiosity, could you send me a grab to my mail address (who is in the news) ?
Published: 2013/6/23 11:54  Updated: 2013/6/23 11:54
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/17/2006
From: England
Comments: 3426
 Re: FastView 1.4 updated with Resize, Crop and Convert op...
You might want to look at epeg for scaling JPEGs.

Also, can you add an AutoInstall script to your archives? I notice you always update AmiUpdate but they don't install themselves (this might be helpful depending on how complicated your updates need to be)
Published: 2013/6/23 18:41  Updated: 2013/6/23 18:41
Just can't stay away
Joined: 08/14/2012
From: France
Comments: 1496
 Re: FastView 1.4 updated with Resize, Crop and Convert op...
Thanks to your website Chris, I just discovered that my autoinstall problem was the lack of "AppAutoInstall DEFUSER AVERAGE".
I tried AutoInstall but the installer replied alone to the questions.
Just tested with FastView, now it works with AmiUpdate !

Rollback done, will be OK for next version of FastView and FastCompress and AttachMail

Thank for the tip.
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