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Software News : Yet Another SketchBlock Update!
Posted by broadblues on 2013/9/13 8:56:55 (1357 reads) News by the same author
Software News

Yet more goodies for you with the latest SketchBlock now at version 2.3

Download From Os4depot

Major Changes In SketchBlock 2.3
Selection Masks
Some optimisation of the selection process, speed up of up to 30%.

Transform Plugin GUIs
Added ProAction GUIs for the GradientFill and RadialFill plugins.

Macro Recording
Completely reworked macro recording. Can now output Rexx or Python code. Can output Wedge events, can output timestamps as comments in the code, also notes external scripts called in the comments.

Internal text creation.
Text creation no longer requires an external helper command,the freetype code has been moved inot the main executable. Resulting in substantial speedups. The maketext.rexx script has been adapted (and much simplified) to take advantage of this.

Improved antialiasing of paths fills
By scaning in both the x and y axes and combining the results smooth antiailising of path fills is now performed, without the need for oversampling. This contributes to further improvments in the rendering of text.

Splash screen on startup
A splash screen with loading progress bar is displayed at program startup.

Some bug fixes
See the changelog for details.

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/9/13 12:30  Updated: 2013/9/13 12:35
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9122
 Re: Yet Another SketchBlock Update!
I think one of not so many really interesting and professionally done native programs. Even if i for myself do only ports mostly, i prefer native and "done special for" stuff (as all of us, i assume). And sketchblock is for sure something which can be shown to anyone as strong point app, as well as it really usable, what of course important too.

All those macroses, plugins, guis and stuff : you can do anything with it. Feels very "true" :) Sometime it can looks a bit hard to understand when you just want to do some simple stuff, but same as with photoshop when you know nothing about, but when you learn basis you can do whatever you want.

Donated, of course.
Published: 2013/9/13 13:54  Updated: 2013/9/13 13:54
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: Yet Another SketchBlock Update!
Thanks for the update :)
Published: 2013/9/13 14:00  Updated: 2013/9/13 14:00
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3798
 Re: Yet Another SketchBlock Update!
Thanks for the update
Published: 2013/9/17 15:23  Updated: 2013/9/17 15:23
Just can't stay away
Joined: 04/10/2008
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1162
 Re: Yet Another SketchBlock Update!
Thanks Andy!

More amiga goodness for when my X1000 gets unpacked.
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