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Software News : Amiglyph released!
Posted by mrdarek2 on 2014/1/18 20:55:25 (1864 reads) News by the same author
Software News

I released free utility capable creating 3D red-cyan anaglyph
from single picture. This is native code created in PortablE.
Program uses Dubois algorithm for best results.
Here is menu screenshoot and example anaglyph created by program:

Resized Image
Resized Image

Here is download link:

Have fun with my software. If you use program frequently - consider
donation for me.

Additional credits: Thanks Chris Handley for technical support and
Tommy Sammy for AmigaOS4 icons.

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/1/19 10:41  Updated: 2014/1/19 10:41
Quite a regular
Joined: 03/28/2010
From: Palencia-Spain
Comments: 789
 Re: Amiglyph released!
Interesting tool available for AmigaOS4!
Published: 2014/1/19 12:02  Updated: 2014/1/19 12:02
Just popping in
Joined: 05/16/2011
Comments: 33
 amiga Rules
For Amiga because PC is not good - it draw too fast and we not see nice growing effect :)
Published: 2014/1/19 15:11  Updated: 2014/1/19 15:11
Just popping in
Joined: 12/06/2006
From: Finland
Comments: 181
 Re: amiga Rules
How about ability to handle picture sequences and possibility to save them to disk ?

Otherwise good start :)
Published: 2014/1/19 18:03  Updated: 2014/1/19 18:03
Quite a regular
Joined: 12/03/2006
From: France
Comments: 514
 Re: Amiglyph released!
interesting !
I am wearing my 3D glasses used for 3D movies and dont see the 3D effect on this picture ?
Published: 2014/1/19 20:51  Updated: 2014/1/19 20:51
Just popping in
Joined: 05/16/2011
Comments: 33
 Re: Amiglyph released!
You must use classic glasses, not modern (this is old 3D technology...) - like this:
Resized Image

In future I add save picture function, but this will be "in future"...
Published: 2014/1/19 22:53  Updated: 2014/1/19 22:53
Just popping in
Joined: 12/06/2006
From: Finland
Comments: 181
 Re: Amiglyph released!
In future I add save picture function, but this will be "in future"...

With batch-processing capabilities ?-)
Published: 2014/1/20 9:13  Updated: 2014/1/20 9:15
Home away from home
Joined: 05/19/2007
From: England
Comments: 3582
 Re: Amiglyph released!
I've never used such a program before, but have some idea how it works, since I have seen 3D effects that don't need any 3D glasses (you had to cross your eyes to see those!).

So I have suggestion: Allow the user to provide a greyscale image (of same size) to give the depth information. Then someone with spare time can create a 'true' 3D image. For example, a black image with a white area where the car is (in your image) would produce a 3D image where the (flat) car floated above the background.

If someone spent time, they could have add grey graduations to make the car not flat anymore. Or they could make the background go from black (at top) to near-white (at bottom) to make the flat ground appear to appear 3D.
Published: 2014/1/20 12:49  Updated: 2014/1/20 12:52
Just popping in
Joined: 05/16/2011
Comments: 33
 Re: Amiglyph released!
there is possible calculating luminance from RGB values. And lighter objects shift less, darker more (because deep in used method is proportional to shift). But no one described that method, I think it will easy destroy image, and not do expected results... (for example imagine the eyes which departed from the face)
Published: 2014/1/20 17:31  Updated: 2014/1/20 17:31
Home away from home
Joined: 11/30/2006
From: Norway
Comments: 2638
 Re: Amiglyph released!l
Looks cool. Too bad i don't have those old glasses anymore.
Published: 2014/1/21 20:33  Updated: 2014/1/21 20:33
Just can't stay away
Joined: 02/23/2007
From: Finland, the land of Santa, sauna, sisu and salmiakki
Comments: 1210
 Re: amiga Rules

Could you turn it into a library so these effects could be used in other apps ?
Published: 2014/1/22 6:51  Updated: 2014/1/22 6:51
Just popping in
Joined: 05/16/2011
Comments: 33
 Re: amiga Rules
I can ask ChrisH, If he will be have some time maybe he can do library from it. Generally core calculation are relatively small code, so I wondering why is that simple gfx transformation is not included in most drawing programs...
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