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Amiga Events : Dopus5.90 is out : or do it in 1000 commits.
Posted by kas1e on 2014/5/11 9:04:42 (3479 reads) News by the same author
Amiga Events

After ~15 years of silence since latest 5.82 release from original developers, we proud to release an updated, fixed, ported and whatever else version of dopus5 to whole amiga community.

GRAB IT HERE WHILE IT HOT: http://dopus5.org <<<


Resized Image

The only sad moment is that we do not release morphos version, which you still can get from nightly builds with no problems at http://dopus5.org, as we currently didn't have any motivated morphos developer who want to fix few remaining bugs in morphos version. Once there will be anyone (or Ikka will back) from morphos camp who want to spend some time on it, i assume official 5.9 release for morphos can be done in few days. Every parts of code where changes need it are ifdefed properly, morphos build works in general, we add even there all possible fixes which done for others builds, just need to fix some mos-only bugs.

So, now to the Requirements:

68k version: os3 with ks3.1 minimum.

If you on real-original amiga with something like 020 and without graphics card (pure ESC/AGA or so), then you better to use old original toolbar images set if you want to avoid startup delay because of new 256 color toolbar images comes with release archive.

As said, startup delay can happens on low-end real amigas, because of new default images, which is need to be remaped to the 256 color screen. And or you reduce screen's color, or as said above just use original toolbar set if you want to have the same boot speed as original dopus5.

Users with real amigas with gfx cards, or users with emulators have no needs to worry about.

AmigaOS4 version: Any version of amigaos4 may works fine. Just with latest one less problems can be, and most of the tests done on os4.1 update 6.

AROS-i386 version: latest deadwoood's brunch or latest WIP's of ICAROS.

So. What you can expect, and what actually done ? There is important high-lights (probably not all, but for all detailed changes refer to changelog in archive release):


-- Everything ported to GCC and code are cross-platform. That include a lot, you may want to check that post for details (as well as changelog included in archives). And yes, porting to GCC do not make it any slower: dopus5.9 are the same fast as previous SASC's based original.
-- Nightly builds at http://dopus5.org, so new version every night for brave ones.
-- Widely tested AOS3, AOS4 and AROS versions.
-- Better default environments: you just unpack it, run and use. No need to dig in into details at first run.
-- Fixes of the original 5.82 bugs (there was a bunch, see changelog).
-- Documentation now in PDF (based on original PageStream files).
-- No more registration need it (of course).
-- Bunch of new features added, such as:
1). 64bit disk/dos support for aos4 and morphos, 64bit disk support for os3.
2). Native icons support for os4 and aros.
3). Reworked title-bar info handling for os4, morphos and aros , so no more ugly look.
4). No needs for additional "parent" module to fix original limitations (all oses)
5). Added system's window gadgets in listers: no more custom ones, or hacks for (os4, aros and mos)
6). Proper removal of patches on exit as well as freeing of all resources taken by dopus5 on running.
7). New environment variable for those who not like patching - env:dopus/NoSysPatch. But be aware, if you disable patches, some things not works. (all oses)


-- configopus.module: native icons, better scrollbar gadgets, few new options (such as WB Emulation/Show Workbench Leftout icons)
-- diskcopy.module: 64bit support.
-- diskinfo.module: 64bit support, clever use of code between os3 and other oses (to keep it fast), recognize of more FS (all new and popular ones)
-- filetype.module: fixes of original bugs
-- format.module: 64bit support
-- ftp.module: lots of rewrite, improvements, speed-ups and fixes.
-- icon.module: native icons support as well as recognize of more FS (same as for diskinfo.module)
-- play.module : improvements , fixes and some logic of usage reworked to be more clever (stop/play now reacts more logical).
-- register.module: we get rid of it as no more registration need it.
-- xadopus.module: are in-build and default with dopus5 now. fixed few original bugs, added password protected archives support
-- about, cleanup, fixicons, join, listerformat, misc, pathformat, print, read, show and themes modules also have heavy clean-up in porting process as well as small fixes there and there.

And of course more. You always can see full changelog for details (included in the release archive).

You may ask: will new release get rid of some old bugs, but bring new bugs ? Pretty possible that yes, dopus5 are beast and work in progress, so you have our bugtracker to report bugs.

In end of all we need to say thanks to:

- Olaf : who deal with GPSoft to get source code and whole community who do donations and lately testing.
- Xenic : who actually start whole porting and fix/rewrite a lot of code
- Itix : because of who morphos version even in current buggy form is possible.
- BSZili : because of who AROS versions is possible, bunch of bugs fixed, done improvements like 64bit support, native icons, better title-bar handling, proper removal of patches, and so on and so on.
- Rigo : who make important fixes in general, improve look of dopus5, added new options, fixed os4 related issues in some parts.
- Mason : for his artwork (icons/toolbar images/etc).
- As well as to Thore, SBA, Jens and others who help with ideas and suggestions.
- And to all others who support, betatest it and still use that uniq piece of amiga software from past. Sorry if i forgot someone.

Enjoy !

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/5/11 15:39  Updated: 2014/5/11 15:39
Just popping in
Joined: 08/21/2008
Comments: 183
 Amazing work!
This is an amazing accomplishment. Truly to go from an idea, to funds, to release of Directory Opus 5 for all the Amiga platforms is stunning. Personally, I love this software and have already converted my system to launch it at boot. Hats off to all involved and looking forward to seeing what else we can do as a community. Bill "tekmage" Borsari
Published: 2014/5/11 18:34  Updated: 2014/5/11 18:34
Just popping in
Joined: 10/23/2013
From: Kuusamo, Finland
Comments: 106
 Great Great Great!
Thank you guys, you are my heroes!
Published: 2014/5/11 19:26  Updated: 2014/5/11 19:26
Home away from home
Joined: 05/19/2007
From: England
Comments: 3582
 Re: Amazing work!
I look forward to trying this out when I find the time... Does the Workbench Replacement Mode (patch) work?
Published: 2014/5/11 21:08  Updated: 2014/5/11 21:08
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9049
@ChrisH yes. but patches used in any mode, that not depend on. only time when there is no patches its when you will set new variable for (but then functional will be limited)
Published: 2014/5/11 22:45  Updated: 2014/5/11 22:45
Quite a regular
Joined: 09/20/2008
From: Gothenburg, Sweden (via Finland)
Comments: 523
 Re: dopus

Thanks guys

Published: 2014/5/12 4:36  Updated: 2014/5/12 4:36
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3066
 Re: Amazing work!
thanks Roman and Team! damn glad I donated to this project

only minor issues I see on my system is getting Flip Paper to show the full picture background (it's split in 2) and getting my main AmiDock showing at the bottom of the screen (it shows a smaller dock at the bottom leftm but not my main dock at bottom right?)
Published: 2014/5/12 6:03  Updated: 2014/5/12 6:03
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9049
If you have problem with non-visibly amidock, that because you set for that dock option "always on background". Change it and all will be fine
Published: 2014/5/12 13:41  Updated: 2014/5/12 13:41
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3066
 Re: amidock
@ kas1e

Ok thanks will try when I get back home from work today
Published: 2014/5/12 20:52  Updated: 2014/5/12 20:52
Just popping in
Joined: 11/27/2006
From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Comments: 45
 Workbench Replacement Mode
Great release Kas1e, looks stunning, well done! Works great if I run it from Workbench via its icon, but I can't get WBR mode to work; I just get a white screen when I expect the DOpus screen to open. AmigaOS 4, update 6. SAM440. Standard setup. Do you have any simple instructions I could follow? Thanks!
Published: 2014/5/12 23:33  Updated: 2014/5/12 23:33
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/27/2006
From: SYS:Prefs/
Comments: 374
 Re: Dopus5.90 is out : or do it in 1000 commits.
Congratulations, it is a really big achievement.
Published: 2014/5/12 23:43  Updated: 2014/5/12 23:43
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3066
 Re: Dopus5.90 is out : or do it in 1000 commits.
I know it will be right in front of my face afterall but I've tried to find the 'dock options' you mentioned and no luck so can someone please direct me step by step to have all my dockies visibile on my DOpus full screen.

also, Flip Paper users, has anyone been able to change their rotating screen pictures properly under DOpus full screen? Here any changes i make in Flip Paper have no bearing on the picture i.e I have it saved as center in Flip Paper and on DOpus screen it remians tiled??
Published: 2014/5/13 7:04  Updated: 2014/5/13 12:24
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9049

You just need to do 2 things:

1. Copy from dopus5:WBStartup file "DoWBStartup" to your system:WBStartup (if there you didn't have that driver, create it). That need so you will have running all the commdities/amidocks/all other stuff your wb run.

2. add dopus5 assign in your s:startup-sequence, i.e. end of file will looks like this:


assign >NIL: dopus5: your_path_to_dopus5

That need so all libs/modules of dopus5 will be find.

Then after reboot you will have boot in dopus5 with all amidocks and all other fancy stuff your WB is use (commodities and whatever else).

You also NO NEED to rename your LoadWB to LoadWB_old anymore, all will be fine as it. And if you want to run workbench instead of dopus5 with such changed s-s, then you hold "shift" ( if you hold "ctrl" on loading, then will just give you no workbench and no dopus5).



I know it will be right in front of my face afterall but I've tried to find the 'dock options' you mentioned and no luck so can someone please direct me step by step to have all my dockies visibile on my DOpus full screen.

I hope you mean when you do open dopus on wb screen ? I mean Environment/Display/Workbench:Use. Because if you open dopus5 on its own screen, then AmiDock do not have options to follow on new screens. There is some kind of patch for on os4depot, but that didn't works very well from my tests.

But if you mean you are on workbench screen, and some of your dockies not visibly, then options is :

- go to setting of your invisibly amidock.
- choice tab "Layout"
- 3st from top option called "Placement".

There you have "Always in background", but should have Normal (or always at top if you prefer). Once you do change it, do reboot, then run dopus5 choice environment/display/workbench:use and see how it cool :)
Published: 2014/5/13 14:16  Updated: 2014/5/13 14:16
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3066
 Re: WBR
I hope you mean when you do open dopus on wb screen ? I mean Environment/Display/Workbench:Use. Because if you open dopus5 on its own screen, then AmiDock do not have options to follow on new screens. There is some kind of patch for on os4depot, but that didn't works very well from my tests.

ah ok that answers it then because yes it is on its own screen...will try messing around with the patch as I need my main AmiDock working else I suppose I can just call up DOpus5.9 when I need to use the various listers
Published: 2014/5/13 15:26  Updated: 2014/5/13 15:26
Just popping in
Joined: 11/27/2006
From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Comments: 45
Thanks kas1e, I'll give it a whirl when I get back from work!
Published: 2014/5/13 20:32  Updated: 2014/5/13 20:32
Just popping in
Joined: 11/27/2006
From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Comments: 45
 Re: WBR
Hi kas1e - I finally got DOpus to run in WBR mode, by setting the LoadDB protection bit to 'executable'. Everything now loads as expected.

One thing I have noticed though, is the odd titlebar icons and spacing, as can be seen in the grab below. Have I mis-installed something, or are is this part of Magellan still in progress?

Other than that though, everything seems to be working, and looking great

Resized Image
Published: 2014/5/13 22:01  Updated: 2014/5/13 22:05
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Gloucestershire, UK.
Comments: 1172
For anyone running DOpus5 in workbench replacement mode when you want to update from a daily build it will probably lock up the system (it does here everytime), or you don't want to lose the configuration you've spend weeks tweaking...

To get round these problems I've created a small dos script that just copies c, libs, modules and the exe over the existing DOpus5 installation.

You MUST have a DOpus5: assign for the script to work.
Cut'n'paste the following script... I called it "update-dopus", make sure you set the S bit on the file then just pass the update lha path & filename to it eg. "1.>update-dopus downloads:dopus5.lha". Do not use any dopus functions after starting this script.

.bra {
ket }
key filename

Echo "Extracting {filename}... " noline

if exists "ram:Dopus5"
Echo Existing copy of Dopus5 found in ram:
Please remove it before running this script.
lha x "{filename}" ram: >nil:


"Copying C... " noline
"ram:dopus5/c/" to "dopus5:c/" all force quiet
Echo Done.

"Copying Libs... " noline
"ram:dopus5/libs/" to "dopus5:libs/" all force quiet
Echo Done.

"Copying Dopus5 exe... " noline
"ram:dopus5/DirectoryOpus" to "dopus5:" force quiet
Echo Done.

"Copying Modules... " noline
if exists "Dopus5:Modules.old"
Delete "Dopus5:Modules.old" all force quiet
Makedir Dopus5:Modules.temp
"ram:dopus5/Modules/" to "dopus5:Modules.temp/" all quiet
rename Dopus5
:modules as dopus5:Modules.old
rename Dopus5
:modules.temp as Dopus5:Modules
Echo Done.

wait 1
reboot fast
Published: 2014/5/14 18:31  Updated: 2014/5/14 18:31
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/26/2006
Comments: 1485
make that script into an installer for dopus with an update option and include it in the dist! =)
Published: 2014/5/15 11:40  Updated: 2014/5/15 11:41
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9049
If only then someone will write for us installer which will support all platforms, which will not make a mess, and which will be clean , good and right done, then why not. But at moment, we fill out with everything else , and for installers have no time for sure currently (that requred lots of planning, test, and other boring work).

Probably later, when we will iron out all bugs we have in BZ.
Published: 2014/5/15 11:42  Updated: 2014/5/15 11:42
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9049


To get round these problems I've created a small dos script that just copies c, libs, modules and the exe over the existing DOpus5 installation.

So lockup happens when you copy something else ? Or when you copy modules ?
Published: 2014/5/15 18:05  Updated: 2014/5/15 18:06
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Gloucestershire, UK.
Comments: 1172
 lockup + small bug

When I copy the modules, that's why the copy to a different drawer and rename, replaces all modules as fast as possible.

Also the task count %ta in the titlebar is still way off, after an hours uptime it's at -683 tasks running... Dopus5 is good but not that good

example: running calculator does not add to the task count but quitting it takes away 2.
Published: 2014/5/17 11:35  Updated: 2014/5/17 11:35
Quite a regular
Joined: 05/16/2010
From: Grimsby, UK
Comments: 950
 Modern? I can't see past those psychedelic colours.
I read somewhere that the default environment had been improved but all I still see is those ghastly coloured buttons that do not fit any GUI known to man.
Published: 2014/5/19 11:04  Updated: 2014/5/19 11:04
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9049
 face and palm

What you hype ? Where "ghastly coloured buttons" ? Toolbar are default os4 design. Other button bar at right side just to help, you can close it.

But anyway, you better use jack. Or crack, whatever :)
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