Vintage Viewer is a picture viewer. The main feature of this program is to respect the privacy of the user, no recent files list, no playlist and portable. You can use it from a USB stick, CD, etc.,, you can minimize the program with a simple right mouse click or press the space key.
Vintage Viewer display the next multimedia formats currently: * jpg, png, gif, lbm, bmp, in native way * svg, jp2(jpeg 2000), tiff, pcx, using the Hollywood™ plugins. Vintage Viewer can: 1. Mirror. Turn a picture. Change of size. Sharpen. 2. Delete. Rename. Copy. Make folders. 3. Snapshot from desktop. 4. Save in different formats: gif, bmp, png, lbm, jpg, jpg2000, tiff.
Usage: - Clicking on the buttons in the top bar. - When you click the RIGHT mouse button or press SPACE bar key the viewer is minimize, this option is to preserve your privacy. - The ESC key to exit the program.
The viewer is available in the following languages: 1.Spanish. 2.English. 3.French. 4.Italian
NEW v2.00: - Program completely reprogrammed.