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Software News : Huenison gets an update and a new home
Posted by saimo on 2016/12/12 4:37:33 (1521 reads) News by the same author
Software News

Moreover, Huenison has a new home now: it's available on itch.io at https://retream.itch.io/huenison (the online hiscores remain accessible at http://www.retream.com/Huenison/hiscores.php).

Huenison gets a little free update that:
* touches up the logo;
* colorizes and reformats the scrolltext;
* changes Huenison's face colors;
* changes the screenshot hotkey from [PRINT] to [F1];
* makes the pause breakable with any key;
* compensates for system delays so that the video refresh is as close to 50 fps as possible;
* changes the log file location to T: (AmigaOS) / %TMP% (Windows);
* adds multiple icon sizes (AmigaOS);
* improves the manual;
* improves the installers.

Resized Image

Steam, IndieGameStand, and AmiStore customers can download the updated version from the respective store (please note that it might take a while before the new version appears).

The update is performed by installing the new version over the old one using the supplied installer.

About Huenison

Huenison is an innovative arcade shooter that takes various elements from many classic and less-known games, and puts them together in a hectic mix. All in retro visuals and synthetic sonorities that recall the revered Commodore 64's SID chip.

email: huenison@retream.com
website: http://www.retream.com/Huenison
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Huenison

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