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Software News : CookieMonster 1.4.0 released
Posted by Marko on 2017/2/10 11:20:06 (1283 reads) News by the same author
Software News

CookieMonster is a cookie cleaner for Odyssey web browser (support for more browsers to follow in future versions).

Resized Image

Resized Image Resized Image


- Scans Odyssey web browser cookies from any given path provided in settings.
- Possible to mark cookies for Deletion, to be Ignored, or to be Always Ignore, in future scans before commiting to delete any of them.
- Possible to add cookies to Ignore List to exclude them from deletion.
- Provides a number of settings, which are stored in a file in ENVARC:
- Executables for all three NG Amigas, including AOS4, MOS and AROS.
- Written on an Amiga NG machine for Amigans and Amiga NG machines.


MUI4 and OpenUrl.library


1. Scan for cookies with the button Scan Cookies.
2. Select cookies in the Cookie page. (You can hold down the SHIFT key while
clicking on a cookie to toggle its selection.)
3. Use the pop-up menu (context-menu/right-click) on selected cookies to mark
them for deletion or to be ignored. Choose "Ignore & Add to Ignore List" if
you always wish to ignore the cookie(s) from detetion in the future. If you
wish to view information for a cookie, choose "View Information" insted on
an active entry (make it active first by clicking on the cookie).
4. To delete them press the button Delete Cookies (only licensed version).


Version 1.4.0: (Feb 2017)
- Optimized scanning action/operation, roughly 10-20% faster now (on my system AOS4.1FEu1 on a Sam440ep-flex).
- Implemented so it's possible to add "custom" items to Ignore List. Usually you want to ignore all from a certain domain, this is now archived by entering an * into Name, Path and Protocol fields so it matches all from this certain domain.
- Button images now linked with exe on AOS4, MOS and AROS.
- Fixed bug, program would fail if using "View Information" menu item on no cookies (empty list) or nothing selected.
- Fixed a few bugs related to Ignore List and its items.
- Moved Ignore List, it is now saved and loaded from ENVARC: .
- First-Time Ignore List is now also created when no such list exists yet.
- Added more buttons images to buttons in AOS4, including MOS and AROS.
- Added Scan and Delete Cookies to popup menu on Cookies page.
- Added icon (.info file) for the ReadMe file and snapshotted drawers.

Download at OS4Depot

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Author Thread
Published: 2017/2/11 0:43  Updated: 2017/2/11 0:43
Quite a regular
Joined: 09/20/2008
From: Gothenburg, Sweden (via Finland)
Comments: 523
 Re: CookieMonster 1.4.0 released
Program renamed to CookieMaster, download CookieMaster DEMO from there if you want it.
Published: 2017/2/11 21:41  Updated: 2017/2/11 21:41
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3211
 Re: CookieMonster 1.4.0 released
thanks Marko !
Published: 2017/2/11 22:36  Updated: 2017/2/11 22:36
Quite a regular
Joined: 09/20/2008
From: Gothenburg, Sweden (via Finland)
Comments: 523
 Re: CookieMonster 1.4.0 released
Thanks John!
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