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Hardware News : Amedia Computer News and Announcement !
Posted by Faranheit on 2017/8/16 9:16:28 (1447 reads) News by the same author
Hardware News

Hi all Amiga fans here ;)

After some times without informations, we're here again with some good news !

For Amiga 500, we have received some very interesting HC508 boards which include a 68HC000 processor overclocked at 50MHz, 8MB of Fast memory, one Compact Flash slot and one second 3.5 inch IDE connector, and 512KB of flash memory for copying a 3.1 kickstart file for example (file NOT included, flash tool INCLUDED).
This board is sold at 189,90 euros (with 20% french VAT, automatically removed for countries outside Europe on the webshop) HERE.
N.B. : there is no dedicated case for this board, but we have tried with the Crystal+ case for Minimig's boards and this suits great !

For Amiga 1200 and Amiga 4000D (desktop), we have received some ScanPlus AGA boards which are designed for connecting the Amiga on a flat screen with a VGA connector.
This board can't be flashed like the Indivision AGA but it is a very good board according to its price of 119,90 euros (with 20% french VAT included) toward 169 euros for the Indivision AGA. Also, the ScanPlus AGA is sent with a blackplate for Amiga 1200 in order to ease its integration in the original desktop Amiga 1200 case. You can order it HERE.

For one time, a new IDE board appears for Amiga 2000 : the IDE4 !
Effectively, the Amiga 2000 has just a very few possible extension and the conceptor of the two previous boards has released this new IDE controler for Amiga 2000 !
It is sold at 104,90 euros (with 20% french VAT included) HERE.
N.B. : there is a huge demand on this board, and we have a 3 to 5 weeks pre-order list, so, please be patient when ordering !

Now, a very special announcement !
AmigaOne X5000 News Update

We are pleased to report that following discussion with A-EON Technology, we have concluded a special supply agreement with A-EON co-founder Trevor Dickinson, which will ease the access to this great product for our customers. :)

Several importants points have been discussed and we can now announced that :
- Our shop will have continuous stock on X5000 Cyrus+ motherboards with P5020 2GHz processor,
- We have now not only one, but THREE possible complete configurations levels : 2GB Ram and one 500GB standard 3.5 inch SATA harddrive (standard power supply), 2GB Ram and one 1TB standard 3.5 inch SATA harddrive and one modular power supply, 2GB Ram and one 275GB SSD 2.5 inch SATA harddrive and one modular power supply,
- The prices of these complete configurations have fallen too (for about 5,5%) : prices are now from 2099 euros (with 20% french VAT included, automatically removed for countries outside Europe on the webshop) to 2239 euros (with 20% french VAT included) instead of 2369 euros before !
- Motherboards only price have also fallen to 1699 euros (with 20% french VAT included) instead of 1799 euros !
- Also, in order to receive a complete configuration with some other software than only AmigaOS 4.1 installed, the Software Enhancer PLUS and Personnal Paint are now freely provided and installed (applicable for motherboards only too) !
- Amedia Computer also offers a free Amiga game for all complete configuration order ;)
- And the last point (but not the least) : in order french people can have an easier access to this great high end product, we'll propose a three times payment (without fees, offer subject to conditions, hardware sent 8 / 15 days after receving first payment).
This last point has been the most important for us and for all our french customers !

Complete configurations page can be found HERE and motherboard only page order can be found HERE.

We always make our best for proposing more and more products and services on our webshop !

Don't hesitate following us on our Facebook page (Amedia.Computer) where you can contact us directly too (Amedia Laurent).

Thanks to all of you for your support !
And Thanks to Trevor for his support. :)

Laurent and Franck
Amedia Computer

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