LAG Bookings Confirmed for 2018.
After delivering a letter by hand a few days ago requesting dates for our LAG meetings to be held in "The Welton Room" in the "Welton Village Hall" next year I received a txt *confirming* the dates today as follows.
LAG 58 Saturday 3rd of February. LAG 59 Saturday 7th of April. LAG 60 Saturday 2nd of June. LAG 61 Saturday 4th of August. LAG 62 Saturday 6th of October. LAG 63 Saturday 1st of December.
Please keep you're eye's peeled on for any changes etc.
On a personal note, I would like to start LAG at 12PM ending at 5PM again as we used to because my conditions have worsened a bit so I'm finding it difficult to make it to the venue at 11AM which we currently do.
Anyone who finds this change difficult please EMail me.
Regards, Michael aka rockape