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Amiga Events : Spotless Released
Posted by elfpipe on 2020/4/28 16:56:13 (1779 reads) News by the same author
Amiga Events

Spotless is a source debugging tool for Amiga. Distinguishing qualities compared to similar software is simplicity and completeness. Spotless is written in c++ and the code is open at this point for public inspection. Spotless has a ReAction frontend, but also comes as a standalone cli tool. In this case it is called SimpleDebug.

http://os4depot.net/?function=showfil ... opment/debug/spotless.lha

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Author Thread
Published: 2020/4/28 17:21  Updated: 2020/4/28 17:21
Home away from home
Joined: 11/26/2006
From: a dying planet
Comments: 5622
Is this a successor to or a rewrite of db101?
Published: 2020/4/28 18:12  Updated: 2020/4/28 18:13
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/07/2009
From: Odense
Comments: 1577
 Re: ?
It is a complete rewrite. The name is intentional and significant. :)
Published: 2020/4/28 18:38  Updated: 2020/4/28 18:38
Home away from home
Joined: 11/26/2006
From: a dying planet
Comments: 5622
 Re: ?
I see.

Thank you for the debugger.
Will surely break it with first use
Published: 2020/4/29 11:09  Updated: 2020/4/29 11:09
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/07/2009
From: Odense
Comments: 1577
 Re: ?
I'm sure you will. But it will not be a conceptual break, rather incidental flux. :)
Published: 2020/4/30 5:05  Updated: 2020/4/30 5:05
Home away from home
Joined: 01/26/2007
From: New Zealand
Comments: 2811
 Re: Spotless Released
Nice. We need a good debugger. I'll have to try this sometime.

I do wish we could use a remote debugger too, though, for graphics driver development.

Published: 2020/4/30 11:11  Updated: 2020/4/30 11:11
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/07/2009
From: Odense
Comments: 1577
 Re: Spotless Released

The latest version is able to load and debug itself, including symbols. It will not give sensible output for c++ classes, but at least it doesn't crash, and it does stepwise execution as expected.

It should be possible to set up Spotless (SimpleDebug) for remote debugging with time. The structure of the software is much better than the previous debugger (db101), so extending and molding the concept should be straightforward.
Published: 2020/5/3 13:25  Updated: 2020/5/3 13:25
Just popping in
Joined: 10/17/2012
Comments: 135
 Only OS4?
Is it for OS4 only or could it be adapted to work with OS 3 68k?
Published: 2020/5/4 1:08  Updated: 2020/5/4 1:10
Just popping in
Joined: 06/11/2009
From: Germany
Comments: 224
 Re: Spotless Released

Thanks for this. Thats the way i am used to debug. Tried the included "test" programm and it works. But i don't know how to use it with my own programs and sources.

I found a reproducable Bug:

- Start Spotless
- Select "Switch public screen" from Menu

It switches to a public Screen but the "Load" Button becomes disabled and the "Start" Button enabled. Clicking the "Start" Button let the Grim Reaper appear. Switching Back to Workbench shows that the Button state is still wrong.
Published: 2020/6/11 18:43  Updated: 2020/6/11 18:43
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3221
 Re: Spotless Released
thanks! if only 'debugging' was around when I took my first computer science course and one bloody semicolon kept me up nights long trying to get an assignment to compile
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