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Software News : CHRISTMAS SALE: Price cut on games!
Posted by Rigo on 2020/12/7 18:24:45 (701 reads) News by the same author
Software News

2020 has been a tough year and we all need a little entertainment in the dark months ahead! Therefore, we have decided to give the Amiga community an early Christmas present and massively reduced the price on our three available games.

We have reduced the prices for both the digital versions on our website and the suggested retail price we recommend to our dealers for the physical copies.

The prices have been reduced to:

Gorky 17: Suggested retail price inc. VAT - EUR 14.95 (reduced from 19.95)

Decent Freespace: Suggested retail price inc. VAT: EUR 9.95 (reduced from 12.95)

Shogo: Mobile Armor Division (ONLY DIGITAL): Price inc. VAT: 9.95 (reduced from 14.95)

Happy gaming and Merry Christmas!

For more information contact: info@hyperion-entertainment.com

About Hyperion Entertainment

Hyperion Entertainment is a privately held Belgian-German company, founded on February 25., 1999.

Since then, Hyperion has been engaged in software development for platforms as diverse as Linux, MacOS 9/X and AmigaOS bringing quality entertainment software to these alternative operating systems.

Since November of 2001 Hyperion has also been actively developing AmigaOS 4.x, an almost complete rewrite for modern times of the legendary Amiga operating system which launched the multi-media computing revolution in 1987. Originally developed by Commodore for its line of Amiga computers, AmigaOS 4.x now runs on several PowerPC based hardware platforms including original Amiga’s with PowerPC accelerator cards and the stand-alone AmigaOne, SAM and Pegasos II platforms.

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