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Author | Thread |
walkero |
Published: 2022/4/18 18:45 Updated:
2022/4/18 18:45
Site Builder
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Athens/Dublin
Comments: 1816
Re: DvPlayer V54.9 Released
Congrats for the release to everyone involved. And congrats for updating DVPlayer website changing the requirements for RadeonHD SI support with clarifing that it needs RadeonHD v4 drivers. Is RadeonHD v4 going to be released with Enhancer Software V2 (which is listed as the minimum requirement) or with an other version of Enhancer Package? Can you please clarify how will the RadeonHD SI users be able to get that driver, so to have full HD support for their gfx card? Also, in a previous forum post (https://www.amigans.net/modules/newbb/ ... id=129244#forumpost129244) it was mentioned the Radeon HD v5 as a requirement for the RadeonHD SI gfx card. Was that plan abandoned? What changed and now the Radeon HD v4 is required? Sorry for all these questions, but there is a confusion on what will be needed for having DVPlayer working at the maximum speed on RadeonHD SI gfx cards, and I haven't seen any clarification anywhere. |
eliyahu |
Published: 2022/4/19 18:06 Updated:
2022/4/19 18:06
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 06/17/2010
From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)
Comments: 430
Re: DvPlayer V54.9 Released
Always great to see an update! Could you share what's changed since the last version?
-- eliyahu