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Software News : Rave version 1.3 released
Posted by trixie on 2022/9/13 11:34:19 (1114 reads) News by the same author
Software News

An update to the Rave audio editor has been released on os4depot.net.


- Unlimited Undo, with an option to use the Extended Memory Objects framework.
- Added support for WAV files containing IMA ADPCM-encoded data.
- Faster processing, loading and saving of long samples thanks to optimizations in the sndeditor.gadget.
- Fixed: The list of assigns in the file requester got improperly sorted under certain conditions.
- Fixed: Applying Mute didn't change the project status to modified, so the Save function remained unavailable.
- Fixed: Pasting mono data from the clipboard into a stereo project didn't work.
- Fixed: Auditioning a right-channel selection always played left-channel data by mistake.
- Fixed: The channel mixing code in Convert Channels was broken and produced some distortion.
- Updated program documentation.


Just extract the program drawer to a suitable location on your disk, making sure that it has plenty of free space. Replace any previous installation of the program.


- AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 or newer.
- Enhancer Core classes (toolbar.gadget, infodata.gadget, select.gadget, shared.image).


- A modern, configurable graphical user interface (GUI).
- A tabbed environment for managing multiple projects from within a single program window.
- A powerful custom file requester with preview playback and other useful features.
- A wide selection of editing functions with unlimited Undo.
- Asynchronous operation: performing a task in a project doesn't block the other projects.
- Support for multiple clipboard units.
- Modular design with an object-oriented plugin system, which makes the program easy to extend.
- A wide range of supported audio file types and formats.

See the included documentation (or its online version) for more information.

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Author Thread
Published: 2022/9/14 14:04  Updated: 2022/9/14 14:05
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Poland
Comments: 399
@Trixie Nice :-) BTW, have you seen this quite in depth review? ->https://www.amigaone.pl/?p=3434 My question is about recording, is it high on your list? PS. REDO is not implemeted?
Published: 2022/9/14 15:05  Updated: 2022/9/14 15:05
Amigans Defender
Joined: 05/01/2009
From: Czech Republic
Comments: 1676
 Re: :)

Yes I have read Mufa's review - I follow Polish Amiga websites quite regularly (I live two kilometers from the Polish border, so I'm fairly proficient in the language).

Recording is indeed high on the to-do list, just like Redo. These functions will appear in one of the subsequent updates.
Published: 2022/9/16 22:19  Updated: 2022/9/16 22:19
Quite a regular
Joined: 03/15/2008
From: Canada
Comments: 555
 Re: Rave

Thanks for the update. I really like Rave.

Published: 2022/9/18 22:54  Updated: 2022/9/18 22:54
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3223
 Re: Rave version 1.3 released
many thanks for the update
Published: 2022/9/29 23:51  Updated: 2022/9/29 23:51
Just popping in
Joined: 12/19/2007
From: Finland
Comments: 80
 Re: Rave version 1.3 released
Trixie, any chance to get a feature to Rave that would allow importing raw 8-bit mono audio files?
Published: 2022/9/30 10:48  Updated: 2022/9/30 10:48
Amigans Defender
Joined: 05/01/2009
From: Czech Republic
Comments: 1676
 Re: Rave version 1.3 released

any chance to get a feature to Rave that would allow importing raw 8-bit mono audio files?

Rave is primarily developed as a tool for the modern day, rather than something aimed at handling legacy stuff. This of course doesn't mean that raw audio cannot be supported, or would be terribly difficult to implement. But as a sole developer I need to prioritize, and at the moment there are other things that I feel had better be implemented sooner rather than later.

This being said, you can always tip me off at https://ko-fi.com/rearwindow I'm not actively asking for donations but making a feature request while showing some support is definitely the way to shuffle my priorities list
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