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Software News : New AmigaOS 4.1 SDK 54.16 available now
Posted by walkero on 2022/10/5 13:10:00 (994 reads) News by the same author

Brussels – October 5, 2022

Hyperion Entertainment is pleased to announce the immediate availability of a very substantial and comprehensive update of the Software Development Kit (SDK) for AmigaOS 4.1 54.16.

New functionality includes but is not limited to:

- the inclusion of different versions of the GCC compiler starting from the old 6.4.0, to 8.4.0, 10.3.0 and 11.2.0 which can be selected during installation including the option to install multiple versions;
- the addition of a tool added to set the default gcc version;
- SPE optimized binaries can be generated by using GCC 6.4 for maximum performance on systems equipped with an SPE;
- vbcc compiler is once more included in the SDK, configured to work “out of the box”;
- Simplegit and Subversion are now included;
- Profyler 1.1 added and Hieronymus updated to 0.50 version;
- Updated the include headers and the autodoc documentation;
- Added extended documentation for all the GCC versions included;
- AmiSSL 5.3 SDK is included;
- Latest AutoDocViewer 1.4 is included;
- newlib and clib updated to the latest versions;
- ExecSG SDK updated to the latest version;
- Many code examples were updated to reflect the newest changes, removing obsolete API calls;
- Updated the "AmigaOS 4.1 SDK.pdf" with new sections and format;
- Many more tools were updated to their respective latest versions.

You can download the new SDK here.

Hyperion Entertainment wishes to extend its special thanks and appreciation to George Sokianos as well as the AmigaOS 4.x development team for making this happen!

If you want to support our efforts further, please head over to our AmigaOS merchandise store.

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Author Thread
Published: 2022/10/5 14:13  Updated: 2022/10/5 14:13
Amigans Defender
Joined: 05/01/2009
From: Czech Republic
Comments: 1624
 Re: New AmigaOS 4.1 SDK 54.16 available now
A huge thanks to all involved!
Published: 2022/10/5 14:43  Updated: 2022/10/5 14:43
Just popping in
Joined: 11/30/2006
From: Lund, Sweden
Comments: 242
 Re: New AmigaOS 4.1 SDK 54.16 available now
Excellent. But why gcc 11.2.0 and not 11.3.0 (which is the latest version in adtools, because I assume that adtools is used to build the SDK?)?
Published: 2022/10/5 14:50  Updated: 2022/10/5 14:51
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9111
That because when new SDK start to be prepared, there was 11.2 only , then, fixes, fixes, and when 11.3 were out, it wasn't good to swith to it, in case to have another set of issues which will hold SDK more and more.

And big thanks to you updating adtools for us :)
Published: 2022/10/5 15:19  Updated: 2022/10/5 15:20
Site Builder
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Athens/Dublin
Comments: 1795
Mostly because of what Roman said above, but hey, if we put everything in this release what will we keep for the next one? :D :D :D

I need to assure you that my work with the AmigaOS 4 SDK doesn't stop with this release. As long as you and the rest of the community bring us new GCC versions and tools, they are going to find good use.
Published: 2022/10/5 17:53  Updated: 2022/10/5 17:53
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3788
Definitely a good news for all developers :-)
Published: 2022/10/6 8:47  Updated: 2022/10/6 8:47
Just popping in
Joined: 11/30/2006
From: Lund, Sweden
Comments: 242
 Re: gcc

Nice. I suspect that the Webkit intiative will have implications later on.
Published: 2022/10/6 9:43  Updated: 2022/10/6 9:45
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9111

Btw,i think we had small mistake in the pdf : we do point on github.com/adtools like it's this one from where we got compilers, but in reality this one empty, and we got everything from sba1's page , i.e. github.com/sba1/adtools

Not bid deal, but just to make all perfect :)


Btw, if someone didn't noticed , the main AmigaOS4 SDK.pdf was heavy changed and contain all kind of intersting info.
Published: 2022/10/6 16:45  Updated: 2022/10/6 16:45
Site Builder
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Athens/Dublin
Comments: 1795
@kas1e Thank you for pointing this out. Will be fixed in the next releases. Nothing is ever perfect and we can always get better, right? :D :D
Published: 2022/10/7 8:47  Updated: 2022/10/7 8:47
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/28/2006
From: France, Nantes
Comments: 252
 Re: New AmigaOS 4.1 SDK 54.16 available now
Great ! A BIG "thank you" to all involved.
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