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Software News : GemRB RPG Package (Version 0.8.8) Released for AmigaOS 4
Posted by TheMagicSN on 2025/3/5 9:00:00 (705 reads) News by the same author
Software News

Steffen Häuser and Alinea Computer are pleased to present the GemRB RPG package
in version 0.8.8 for AmigaOS 4. Steffen Häuser is responsible for the porting and the easy installation of the package.

GemRB allows you to play the famous PC role-playing games Baldur’s Gate 1, Baldur’s Gate 2 (often called
"the best PC RPG of all time"), Icewind Dale 1, and Planescape: Torment on an Amiga running AmigaOS 4.

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A version of the original PC game data (from CDs or DVD) is required for installation. However, a PC is not needed—the installer
enables direct installation of all four games on the Amiga. Alternatively, "GOG" versions of the games can also be used,
but this requires a pre-installation on a PC. Therefore, CD/DVD installation is recommended, as it eliminates the need for a PC.

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This version of GemRB is based on GemRB 0.8.8 and includes numerous bug fixes compared to the older 0.7.2 version.
No manual installation of libraries or editing of configuration files is required—the provided installer takes care of everything.

The new version is highly optimized and includes executables specifically tailored for certain Amiga models. The following frame rates have
been achieved:

AmigaOne x5000 (2 GHz) – 30 fps at 1024x768
AmigaOne x1000 (1.8 GHz) – 25 fps at 800x600
AmigaOne A1222 (1.2 GHz) – 18 fps at 640x480
Sam 440 (666 MHz) – 15 fps at 640x480
MicroAmigaOne (800 MHz) – 10 fps at 640x480

Special versions of the executable exist for x5000, x1000, Sam 440, Sam 460, and A1222, along with a general executable that runs on
all systems.

The minimum system requirement is a Sam 440, while the recommended configuration is a Sam 460 or higher.

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Additionally, the expansions BG1: Tales of the Sword Coast, BG2: Throne of Bhaal, and IWD: Heart of Winter are playable
and can also be installed via the installer.

The games have been tested with the German, English, Multilanguage (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish), and
Polish versions. The following versions are also compatible with the installer:

Baldur’s Gate 1, Baldur’s Gate 2, Icewind Dale 1 from Computer Bild Spiele Cover DVDs (BG1: 12/2008, BG2: 12/2008 Gold,
ID1: 03/2009), Planescape: Torment from GameStar Cover DVD (07/2006)

In addition to the AmigaOS 4 version, a WarpOS version will soon be released. It has already been successfully tested at 25 fps (640x480)
on an overclocked 1 GHz Ragnarök PCI PPC card.

Whether versions for PiStorm and Vampire can be created is still being evaluated.

The game package is available as a digital download for €19.95 (incl. VAT) in the Alinea Computer online shop.

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Author Thread
Published: 2025/3/5 18:50  Updated: 2025/3/5 18:50
Quite a regular
Joined: 10/29/2008
From: Uppsala, Sweden
Comments: 828
Thank you.
Published: 2025/3/5 21:57  Updated: 2025/3/5 21:57
Just can't stay away
Joined: 04/07/2023
From: Deutschland
Comments: 1288
I was lucky enough to accompany Steffen during the development of this "port" and yes I will buy it. Thanks for the great work
Published: 2025/3/6 23:24  Updated: 2025/3/6 23:30
Quite a regular
Joined: 02/27/2007
From: Gravity well
Comments: 741
I gather IWD 2 works if you install it manually? edit: Ah, I see that support for that was only recently completed (you can finish the game), so this would require an update, then.
Published: 2025/3/7 6:18  Updated: 2025/3/7 6:18
Just popping in
Joined: 11/08/2022
From: Backnang
Comments: 230
 Concerning iwd2
@Thematic: i got an installer for iwd2 as well (and the betatesters got it too) but as the game is not fully playable and completable with 0.8.8 it was not included. An update supporting iwd2 requires python 3 which does not exist for AmigaOS. If python 3 is ported i will of course make an update but right now we are just at a beta version of python 2.7, not python 3 (gemrb 0.8.8 Has on installing In it’s local directory a libpython27.so which is this beta version - which i was allowed to include thanks to permission by Hyperion and Ryan Dixon, the author of the 2.7 port. It is not the full port yet only the so lib and the way it is installed it runs with either systems with python 2.5 installed or systems like mine or Ryans with full 2.7 installed;) Anyways until a python 3 port is done (and not even a project is Started for this) no full iwd2 support is possible. Note iwd1 running in 800x600 or 1024x768 looks mighty impressive too! And that runs ;)
Published: 2025/3/9 12:14  Updated: 2025/3/9 12:14
Just popping in
Joined: 11/08/2022
From: Backnang
Comments: 230
 Update 1 available
Note the Update is now available. You need to redownload the archive you got linked after buying, this will give you the updated archive. It fixes the ID1 installer, and includes updated Executables regarding the WB Scaling issue (that the fullscreen size was scaled to wb screen size in the old version). This change (closer explained in the readme) will especially on slower systems speed up a lot (for example on Pegasos 2 it went from 10 to 16 fps). But even on my x1000 I gained 2 fps ;-) You of course do not need to reinstall and can just copy the exe out of BG1Installer/Exes The subdirectories in Exes: 440 -> Sam 440 460 -> Sam 460 7400 -> AmigaOne x1000 (no better fitting optimization exists on gcc for this machine) e5500 -> AmigaOne x5000 a1222 -> A1222 G3 -> everything else If you reinstall better backup Save/ first, which contains your Savegames. MagicSN
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