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Amiga Events : Celebrate 40 Years of Amiga Innovation at the Computer History Museum!
Posted by tekmage on 2025/3/7 17:30:19 (529 reads) News by the same author
Amiga Events

Mountain View, CA – August 1-2, 2025

The AMIGA/040th Silicon Valley organizing team is excited to announce, in partnership with VCF West, an epic event on August 1st and 2nd, 2025, at the renowned Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA.

As part of this partnership, the VCF West theme will be Amiga Computers! A unique area will be created on the show floor for all attendees. In this area, you will explore the Saga of the Amiga Computer–before Commodore, during its golden era, and beyond. Expect to see unique historical artifacts from Dale Luck's personal collection, the latest Amiga Community innovations like AmigaOS 3.2 and OS 4, and groundbreaking hardware projects such as Emu68k and PiStorm.

Beyond the Amiga area on the show floor, expect a series of Amiga-focused presentations and sessions covering the wider retro and historical computing topics only VCF West can do.

Building on the success of the Amiga 30th banquet, we're introducing a spectacular new highlight: a Black Tie* awards ceremony honoring 40 years of Amiga innovation and history.

Join us for an unforgettable evening as we celebrate the pioneers and achievements that shaped the Amiga's enduring legacy.

*Honoring Tradition: This Black Tie event pays homage to the original A1000 launch in New York.

*Dress Code: Celebrate Your Way! While formal attire is encouraged, all are welcome. Whether you don a tuxedo, gown, rock star ensemble, or your favorite casual wear, join us for this historic occasion.

Visit amigameditation.guru for more information.

Bill "tekmage" Borsari

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