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Software News : Open Video Toaster Instant Bounties
Posted by DiscreetFX on 2008/7/15 7:39:18 (1886 reads) News by the same author
Software News

IMMEDIATE RELEASE : DiscreetFX Announcement

Open Video Toaster Instant Bounties

Chicago, Illinois ? July 14th, 2008 -- Visual FX company DiscreetFX LLC Inc., in order to stimulate development for the Video Toaster Flyer source code DiscreetFX is launching an Instant Bounty contest. What is an Instant Bounty? This is a bounty that is paid once a programmer has requested and been assigned a programming task for Open Video Toaster. This does take a little trust on our part since bounties are paid before coding even begins. Programmer past developments and applications will be taken into serious consideration and help gain them approval for OVT Instant Bounties. Programmers should review source code for the bounty in question before applying for consideration. Each development task for OVT will have set guidelines and coding time limits.
(Read more for details!)

The larger goal of this contest is to stimulate development of video editing and video production software for MorphOS, Amiga OS 4.0 & AROS. This also allows us to see which 3rd party developer base is most passionate and serious about bringing their favorite operating system of choice back into the mainstream. Dedication and passion is what will bring Amiga successor operating systems back into relevance not mysterious companies who's true motives are unknown. Once upon a time with Video Toaster the Amiga was king of desktop video and computer assisted video editing. While in today's modern times it can no longer be king it could yet again be one of the many choices customers consider. That at least was the hope and dream we had when Open Video Toaster was launched. If your interested in video editing living again on Amiga OS type systems please donate to one of your favorite operating system bounties. DiscreetFX has already placed a starter donation in each of these bounties. Even if you can only donate a little it will help and you will be named and thanked on the Open Video Toaster website. Donations are paid instantly via Paypal to programmers that are assigned each bounty.

First three of many OVT Instant Bounties are for the Toaster Character Generator

Port ToasterCG to AROS and remove hardware dependencies. Making CG take advantage of NVIDIA or ATI framebuffer cards is a bonus for the bounty but not required. AROS CG, $100 is already donated by DiscreetFX

Port ToasterCG to Amiga OS 4.0 and remove hardware dependencies. Making CG take advantage of NVIDIA or ATI framebuffer cards is a bonus for the bounty but not required. OS 4.0 CG, $100 is already donated by DiscreetFX

Port ToasterCG to MorphOS and remove hardware dependencies. Making CG take advantage of NVIDIA or ATI framebuffer cards is a bonus for the bounty but not required. Morph CG, $100 is already donated by DiscreetFX

ToasterCG source code is available from the following website. http://www.openvideotoaster.org

Please watch the DiscreetFX website for donation buttons later tonight.

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