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Software News : ALT+TAB Switching - On OS4.1!
Posted by jahc on 2008/12/1 9:53:19 (2103 reads) News by the same author

Replicate the Windows Alt+Tab shortcut.

When you hold down Alt and press Tab, a window will popup showing thumbnails
of all the screens that are currently open. Pressing Tab again (while still
holding down Alt) will cycle to the next thumbnail. Releasing Alt will then
make your Amiga switch to that screen!

This app uses OS4.1 functionality for super fast creation of thumbnails.

Download via OS4 Depot

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Author Thread
Published: 2008/12/1 17:00  Updated: 2008/12/1 17:00
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Sanremo
Comments: 1899
 Re: ALT+TAB Switching - On OS4.1!
Good commodity
Published: 2008/12/2 3:09  Updated: 2008/12/2 3:13
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/22/2006
Comments: 415
 Re: ALT+TAB Switching - On OS4.1!
Jahc listens! .. kinda! He heard that people had palette issues, and crashes with 8bit screens.. so:

New update today..


Light blue is forced for the background of the selected Screen names, to
increase visibility on other systems.

Some screens that have a different depth cannot be scaled for some reason.
For now, these screens will have blank thumbnails until I figure this out
Published: 2008/12/2 9:07  Updated: 2008/12/2 9:07
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/22/2006
Comments: 415
 Re: ALT+TAB Switching - On OS4.1!
Paul, your email had no return address!


Hi jahc,

Would it be possible for you to make another version of your "ALT+TAB
Switching" program, that doesn't use the keyboard at all but is completely
mouse driven? What I was thinking about was a graphical version of the
DepthToFront commodity---being able to Right-Click the screen depth gadget in
the upper right hand corner and have thumbnails of the other screens appear
either vertically or horizontally from that corner position. Then any of the
screens could be selected with a click of the left mouse button over the
desired screen's image, or the thumbnails could be hidden with another click
of the screen depth gadget.

What do you think?
___ Paul ___

Sounds like a good idea. I have too many hopes on the keyboard version though. I might never finish all the things I have planned. I want to move away from MUI so that I can have effects and real time updating in the thumbnails.. so I might just concentrate on the one program for now.
Published: 2008/12/2 12:28  Updated: 2008/12/2 12:28
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3788
 Re: ALT+TAB Switching - On OS4.1!
Have you think about OpenAmiga project ? (http://openamiga.org/)

This commodity would be the ideal for a standard integration in future OS4's release
Published: 2008/12/3 0:13  Updated: 2008/12/3 0:13
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/29/2006
Comments: 474
 Re: ALT+TAB Switching - On OS4.1!
Paul, your email had no return address!

Ooops. I better check my YAM settings.

Thanks for replying anyway; and keep up the good coding!
Published: 2008/12/3 23:33  Updated: 2008/12/3 23:34
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/24/2006
Comments: 370
 Re: ALT+TAB Switching - On OS4.1!

This is actually a very useful program, but it's playing up here, sometimes the window disappears while cycling through in the window, probably the automatic screen activation brings the other window on top. I think that this problem would be solved if you used WA_StayTop, TRUE in the taglist when opening the window, that will ensure that no other windows can be moved in front of your one.
Published: 2008/12/5 4:01  Updated: 2008/12/5 6:23
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/22/2006
Comments: 415
 Re: ALT+TAB Switching - On OS4.1!
How would I set that in MUI?

This had no effect..

struct Window *my_window;

I try to open the window twice to get the window to the front..

Please email me at james.carroll .. at .. xnet.co.nz, so we can discuss this further if you have any more ideas! Thanks :)
Published: 2008/12/5 13:47  Updated: 2008/12/5 13:48
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/30/2006
From: Finland
Comments: 1890
 Re: ALT+TAB Switching - On OS4.1!

Try this:

struct Window *my_window;
SetWindowAttrs(my_window, WA_StayTop, TRUE, TAG_END);
Published: 2008/12/6 0:03  Updated: 2008/12/6 0:03
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/22/2006
Comments: 415
 Re: ALT+TAB Switching - On OS4.1!
That doesnt work either. :(
Published: 2008/12/6 6:56  Updated: 2008/12/6 6:56
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/30/2006
From: Finland
Comments: 1890
 Re: ALT+TAB Switching - On OS4.1!
Probably the tag can only be set in the OpenWindowTags() or OpenWindowTagList() call then.
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