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Amiga Events : Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
Posted by Mikey_C on 2009/10/5 10:43:15 (4331 reads) News by the same author

We are delighted to announce our support for Project Timberwolf.


Timberwolf is the project name of the AmigaOS port of the Firefox web browser (for legal reasons it cannot be called Firefox). Firefox is an award-winning open source web browser and is the de-facto-standard browser across a wide variety of operating system....

We believe that like Gnash, Project Timberwolf is a very important step towards giving Amiga OS4.x the tools enjoyed everyday on other platforms.
Please support the team behind Timberwolf - donate today!
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Published: 2009/10/5 12:12  Updated: 2009/10/5 16:14
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/19/2006
From: Cambridgeshire, UK.
Comments: 2147
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
Gotta Practice what we preach, Donated to the cause

Edit: Thanks to Mason for the wonderful Icon!
Published: 2009/10/5 13:46  Updated: 2009/10/5 13:46
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9111
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
Right step :)
Published: 2009/10/5 15:04  Updated: 2009/10/5 15:04
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3131
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
Published: 2009/10/5 19:19  Updated: 2009/10/5 19:19
Home away from home
Joined: 11/30/2006
From: Norway
Comments: 2628
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
I will donate one day,not sure when yet. Well,after i have collected some cash.
Published: 2009/10/5 21:32  Updated: 2009/10/5 21:32
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/06/2006
From: Michigan
Comments: 1027
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
I donated against my better judgement. Why? I never saw Sputnik or AmiZilla; both I supported. I'm only donating because the Frieden brothers and OS4 Team do great work and respect for the bounty team - Cyborg (Costel Mincea) and Troels.
As far as using any Amiga browsers these days, I don't!
Published: 2009/10/5 21:45  Updated: 2009/10/5 21:45
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/19/2006
From: Cambridgeshire, UK.
Comments: 2147
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
Why not?

What's wrong with OWB?
Published: 2009/10/6 15:13  Updated: 2009/10/6 15:13
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9111
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
OWB is usable for 70% of browser stuff. No flash (youtube, very usable for many of us), and not have many "must have" gui thinks. Imho we all know that :)
Published: 2009/10/6 17:31  Updated: 2009/10/6 17:32
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/26/2006
Comments: 420
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
Theres one thing that bugs me about this whole firefox thing. Not the porting to os4 (great news!) but the damn name thing? Firefox is opensource why cant it be called "Firefox" Could someone explain? Windows has it, linux has it so why the hell not os4? We have to come up with a better name than timberwolf, it sucks.
Published: 2009/10/6 19:53  Updated: 2009/10/6 19:53
Just popping in
Joined: 04/01/2007
Comments: 50
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
Mozilla Foundation owns the trademark ?Firefox? and claims the right to deny the use of the name and other trademarks to unofficial builds.

Read why the Debian Linux distro couldn't use the name Firefox here.

So unless one can convince the Mozilla Foundation to start building and distributing the OS4.1 version (which is probably going to happend when Satan starts skating to work) it can't be called Firefox...
Published: 2009/10/7 14:49  Updated: 2009/10/7 14:54
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/26/2006
Comments: 420
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
I much prefer the name "AmiFox" at least that is closer to firefox than, timberwolf (useless name) what were you guys drinking at the time?
Next im going to get someone saying "its trademarked" lol. I refuse to donate unless we have a proper name .
Published: 2009/10/7 19:30  Updated: 2009/10/7 19:30
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/06/2006
From: Michigan
Comments: 1027
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
I refuse to donate unless we have a proper name .
Why don't you get a proper name?
Published: 2009/10/7 21:51  Updated: 2009/10/7 21:52
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/26/2006
Comments: 420
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
I refuse to donate unless we have a proper name . Why don't you get a proper name?

Now before I turn this into a massive flame war it was freaking joke. End of story. Even if i diddnt like the name timeberwolf who honestly gives a crap? Oh btw my name is stuart who are you? (Oh look i have a real name *shock*)
Published: 2009/10/8 4:31  Updated: 2009/10/8 4:31
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3131
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
@ magic

I say they officially call it 'FINALLY"
Published: 2009/10/9 0:05  Updated: 2009/10/9 0:05
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/06/2006
From: Michigan
Comments: 1027
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
Oh btw my name is stuart who are you?
Dennis Smith aka Snuffy !
You cetainly have unique reason for NOT supporting new software for Amiga.
Hmm, 'don't judge a 'title' by it's 'book' logic !
Published: 2009/10/9 7:49  Updated: 2009/10/9 7:49
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/26/2006
Comments: 420
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
Watch your tone with me young man or ill have you standing outside reading your times table out loud at break time considerd this a warning.
Published: 2009/12/4 12:51  Updated: 2009/12/4 12:51
Just popping in
Joined: 03/21/2009
From: Switzerland
Comments: 74
 Re: Amigans Net Officially Supporting Timberwolf!
What about the name of : "ClimberWolf" ? It is climbing on the community and all people who didn't think that "FireFox" would be ported to Amiga...

Anyway, I find "TimberWolf" nice as a name. Maybe the "porters" wanted to show that "wood" could defeat "Chrome" (metal), "Fire", survive to jungle ("Safari") and why not having an own history ("Opera")... and to be a new kind of world explorer "IE"...

Well this is my "poetic imagination side"

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