Before Facebook, Before Google + Or Twitter, there was IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
IRC (to quote a joke) is multiplayer notepad, with an IRC client such as Wookiechat or Amirc (on the amiga platform) you selecet a network of IRC Servers (In this case and for the purpose of tonight join the IRC Channel #amigans (this is before twitter stole the hash tag)
Anyhow before the days of social media, the IRC scene was buzzin with people chatting to each other (via private chat rooms) or on a main channel, taking part in either discussions or (as is human nature) flame wars.
IRC night is a chance to re-live the days when IRC was king and before social media took over(newbies welcome!)
Our IRC night is an infrequent thing, and its announced a week or so in advance. The IRC Service runs 24/7 and there are always people logged in, but IRC night gives us a chance to see the numbers swell to their hayday in Amiga land and gives us a chance to catch up with old friends.
Join us
But please note, no flame wars.