For father's day a new Atomic Bomberman version
2.8 (network protocol version
11) is now available (first via auto-updater, manual downloads will follow asap, or get it from my
- Fix: a debug-relic caused the game to always try to enter fullscreen mode on startup even if you previously chose to use window mode. This one slipped through because I always play in fullscreen
Thanks to jabirulo for reporting!
- in the following I added some more game-play options. Unfortunately there wasn't enough space left in the level select menu. The only option for lazy coders was to decrease the vertical gap between those menu items. But this again reduced readability too much. Which is why I added an orange row highlite. For consistency I added this to all screens (only exception being the main menu because I didn't want to change the original look here).
- Default bomb countdown was 3 seconds whereas the original's is 2. No idea how this difference could remain unnoticed for 10 years
Thanks to Valentin for reporting!
- However, those 3 seconds don't feel bad at all. Therefore I made this a new game-play option and 2 seconds is the new default value, possible values range from 1 to 4
- In the original certain considered "powerful" extras don't appear for the first 40 seconds of a match. The golden flame and the trigger are considered "powerful" in that context. IMHO this behaviour is questionable. E.g. personally I find the red glove to be at least as powerful as the trigger. Anyway, for "original-purists" I added yet another game-play option so that you can adjust that delay. Values range from 0 to 50 seconds.
Thanks to Valentin for reporting!
- the red glove punch action is now also triggered if you don't simultanously press a directional button. This was a another significant difference to the original game. So you can now punch away a nearby bomb without sliding into it.
Thanks to Valentin for reporting!
- extended the About / Credits area and added a donor-thanks section
- all Amiga lha archives are now patched so that the executable protection bits are set. Also, the AROS version is now also packaged into an lha instead of a zip. From now on this is also true for all my other projects.
Tchatching & cheers,
Daytona675x / Inqui / Daniel