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Another trekbench shot
Another trekbench shotPopular
SubmitterkvasirMore Photos from kvasir   CategoryAmigaOS Screenshots   Last Update2006/12/3 11:51
Hits5100 Comments3   
Another shot of my 800x600x64 workbench. this time running Ibrowse on a rather familiar webpage , Doom, Reqattack (For the system requester), and Amplifier. Also Limpidclock and Amidock are visible. Doom runs pretty well in a window, though the gfx suck with only 64 colors minus whatever pens workbench is using... Plays well, though.

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Published: 2006/12/4 7:47  Updated: 2006/12/4 7:47
Just popping in
Joined: 11/27/2006
From: Wisconsin, USA
Comments: 140
 Re: Another trekbench shot
Nope on the OS4 question, sadly... But that is doomII running in a window, via DoomAttack. I believe its on Aminet still. I think the 600 can run Adoom, though only in an EHB 64 color screen. I think it requires an os rom upgrade, and an accelerator/ memory card. I just hooked up my old a600 today, and was playing with it until my g/f wanted to watch a movie. (Lack of monitors= plug it into the tv, and not run PAL software) Megaball works nice on it, other than that it needs help, and I've been looking for processor ugrades for it to no avail. (Trying to avoid ebay, too many horror stories) Still trying to get enough cash scraped together for a tower/mediator/gfx card. Though I'm picky on the gfx card, need something that'll pass through hard-wired software running pal/ntsc. (Though passing it through a scandoubler would be nice) One of my main reasons for hooking my miggy up again was to play Frontier Elite II, and with the quit to workbench patch the VGA patch doesn't work.
Published: 2006/12/6 4:10  Updated: 2006/12/6 4:10
Just popping in
Joined: 12/05/2006
Comments: 124
 Re: Another trekbench shot
Ah I used to have a Star Trek themed Workbench once. Back when TNG was still on the air. Brings back old memories.
Published: 2006/12/6 6:39  Updated: 2006/12/6 6:39
Just popping in
Joined: 11/24/2006
Comments: 43
 Re: Another trekbench shot
Just gotta love the Star Trek theme... :)

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