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Main : Backdrops »» Events »» Hardware »» AmigaOS Screenshots »» Other  WesBench

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SubmitterSeverinMore Photos from Severin   CategoryAmigaOS Screenshots   Last Update2007/3/1 4:15
Hits4614 Comments6   
Just messing about with some Wesnoth icons I 'borrowed' ages ago and thought I'd grab a few screen grabs from Wesnoth and put my drives round the map as the villages.

This image is shrunk to get within the limits imposed on uploaded pictures. The original (1680x1050) is Here.

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The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.
Author Thread
Published: 2007/3/1 16:37  Updated: 2007/3/1 16:37
Just popping in
Joined: 01/03/2007
Comments: 34
 Re: WesBench
And my Dark Lord captures your castle and your computer is now . . MINE .! ! !

Looks sharp . .
Published: 2007/3/1 17:12  Updated: 2007/3/1 17:12
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Gloucestershire, UK.
Comments: 1172
 Re: WesBench
hmmm... It seems my commant about the image has been censored before being passed for display here...

I won't say what word was censord as it will probably be censored again... this sort of thing really pisses me off, so bye bye amigans...
Published: 2007/3/1 20:29  Updated: 2007/3/1 20:29
Supreme Council
Joined: 11/16/2006
From: Sweden
Comments: 3303
 Re: WesBench

Image comments are added without moderator approval. It's more likely that you did something wrong when posting, like waiting too long and not following the instructions when the session times out.
Published: 2007/3/1 23:03  Updated: 2007/3/1 23:03
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Gloucestershire, UK.
Comments: 1172
 Re: WesBench
No session timeout was involved, I just typed the message and submitted it, picture and message went up ok afaik.

Maybe Xoops doesn't like derisive comments
Published: 2007/3/5 14:06  Updated: 2007/3/5 14:06
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/22/2006
From: P'Boro, UK... Could that be ?
Comments: 496
 Re: WesBench

Quite original !

Published: 2007/4/26 20:14  Updated: 2007/4/26 20:14
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/27/2006
From: SYS:Prefs/
Comments: 374
 Re: WesBench
Ah ah ah you're a genius

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